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Rofi Scripts

  • Rofi configuration files and scripts for
    • Wifi Connections
    • Mounting/Unmounting USB/Partitions
    • Mounting/Unmounting Android devices
    • Screenshots
    • Launcher

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Clone this repository

$ git clone && cd rofi-scripts

Backup your rofi configs.

$ mkdir -pv ~/.config/rofibkp
$ mv ~/.config/rofi ~/.config/rofibkp

Install fonts (Choose any one you like) Note: There are 2-3 versions of Material design fonts. Just make sure to only have the one I've put in fonts folder.

  • System-wide
$ sudo cp -r ./fonts /usr/share/fonts/
$ fc-cache -fv
  • User only
$ [ -d "$HOME/.local/share/fonts" ] || mkdir -pv $HOME/.local/share/fonts
$ cp -r ./fonts $HOME/.local/share/fonts
$ fc-cache -fv

Install Dependencies

  • for Arch
$ yay -Sy rofi maim simple-mtpfs fuse2 xclip --needed
  • Rofi Configs made in Rofi version 1.7.2 (Rofi configs might not work in older version of rofi)
  • All of these packages available in official repository except simple-mtpfs.

Copy scripts and rofi configs

$ [ -d "$HOME/.config/rofi" ] || mkdir -pv $HOME/.config/rofi
$ cp -r ./rofi $HOME/.config


How to

  • Launch scripts
    • For Launcher run rofi -show drun
    • For rest of things just run script inside respective folders.
  • Colorscheme/Theme
    • All the Colors are coming from style.rasi file inside themes folder for all the rofi configs. Edit style file to change colors.

More about scripts

Screenshot :

  • Takes Screenshot using maim.
  • Saves Screenshots in ~/Pictures/Screenshots.
  • Configure screenshot save location in script.

Wifi :

  • Reads /sys/class/net/wl* files to get current status.
  • Uses nmcli for everything else.

USB mounting :

  • Default mount location is /mnt, you can change this foler in script.
  • If you don't want to mount to /mnt type name of the folder and it'll create folder inside /mnt and mount in that folder.
  • if you already have askpass setup uncomment askpass line in the script. There's rofi script inside that folder using that for sudo password while mounting.

Android mounting :

  • Requires simple-mtpfs and fuse2.
  • it's Setup to mount devices in ~/Cell, you can give your own location in the script.

Manage Dual Screens :

  • add your own script to refresh wallpaper / bar or window manager in script.

Rofi Menu with Keybinding

  • Copy the in sxhkd and rename bspwm to sxhkd (cat ~/.config/bspwm/sxhkdrc)
  • Copy the given keybind to sxhkdrc

Notes and Todo.

  • Adding more useful things, themes and colors.
  • Pull Requests, Issues, Fork, Contributions are welcome.
  • Keybinding script for sxhkdrc