!!! I don't use this anymore, I switched to NixOS and Hyprland. Link to my NixOS config
This is an Arch Linux post installation script that installs my desktop environment that uses of custom builds of suckless software: dwm, dmenu, st , dnote slstatus and slock. Additionally this script installs my dotfiles, gtk themes and my favorite programs.
This is a dmenu script that can be used to change various system settings, press super+ctrl+r
to run it. Most of the changes are done through Xresources.
Here's some information on the options:
- Theme selector: The "themes" are also known as "rices".
- Color scheme: This changes the color scheme for all the suckless builds and any other program that supports Xresources. If you want more color schemes you can go to: this github repo and terminal.sexy.
- Toggles: It presents a list of togglable options for the suckless builds and picom.
- Font: This lists all the fonts that are installed. "System Font" changes the dwm bar, dmenu and dnote.
- Folder Colors: This changes the folder colors in the papirus icon theme.
- Monitor Profile: The "monitor profiles" are config files for various monitor sizes and resolutions.
- Pywal: Uses pywal to generate a color scheme from the current wallpaper.
- Reload Desktop: Merges Xresources and reloads all the suckless programs.
Nerdfont icons are used for tags instead of numbers. Dwm is configured to have my most used programs automatically open and switch to the appropriate tag. Tags that are being used are colored and the ones that are vacant are greyed out.
- Tag 1: Web browser
- Tag 2: Terminal emulator
- Tag 3: File manager
- Tag 4: Productivity
- Tag 5: Games and 2nd productivity tag
Border colors are set in dwm's config file. It's configured to have the border colors match the tag icon color.
Sticky windows are windows that are visible on every tag, it can toggled off and on with super+backspace
. Programs can be made sticky by default in dwm's config file.
The scratchpad keybind is super+t
. The default size can be adjusted by changing the default number of columns and rows in the monitor profile that is being used. Kill the scratchpad window and reload Xresources for the change to take effect.
- Window manager: dwm
- Terminal emulator: st
- Launcher/menu program: dmenu
- Status monitor: slstatus
- Notification utility: dnote
- Screen locker: slock
- Shell: zsh
- Prompt: starship
- Editor: neovim
- Compositor: picom (FT-Labs fork)
- TUI file manager: lf
- GUI file manager: thunar
- Web browser: librewolf
- Image viewer: nsxiv
- Video player: mpv
- Music player: ncmpcpp (with mpd+mpc)
- Wallpaper program: xwallpaper
- AUR helper: yay
[Click to reveal]
The keys are arranged so that the window manager keys are (mostly) on the home and bottom row and the keys to launch programs are on the top row.
Keybind | Action |
super + a,s,d,f,g |
switch tag |
super + shift + a,s,d,f,g |
move to tag |
super + ctrl + a,s,d,f,g |
toggle tag view |
super + q |
exit program |
super + t |
scratchpad |
super + b |
toggle bar |
super + z |
toggle fullscreen |
super + space |
toggle floating window |
super + backspace |
toggle sticky window |
super + tab |
view previous tag |
super + j,k |
switch window focus |
super + h,l |
switch monitors |
super + shift + h,l |
move window to monitor |
super + shift + j,k |
resize floating window |
super + ctrl + h,j,k,l |
move floating window |
super + alt + h,j,k,l |
move floating window to corner |
super + n,period |
adjust window split (mfact) |
super + m,comma |
adjust number of master windows |
super + ; |
switch master window |
super + 1,2,3 |
switch layouts (master,float,monacle) |
super + -,= |
adjust gaps |
super + shift + = |
sets gaps to 0 |
super + 0 |
view all tags |
super + shift + 0 |
make window visible on all tags |
super + F5 |
reload Xresources colors |
Keybind | Action |
super + enter |
st |
super + shift + enter |
st with tmux |
super + w |
librewolf or brave |
super + e |
thunar |
super + shift + e |
lf |
super + control + e |
dmenu-open |
super + r |
dmenu_run |
super + ctrl + r |
dmenu-samde |
super + y,u,i,o,p |
program launch script |
super + Escape |
power_menu |
super + shift + q |
xkill |
super + control + q |
dmenu_kill |
super + control + alt + q |
restart dwm |
super + delete |
slock |
super + c |
picom toggle |
super + control + b |
dmenu-bluetooth |
super + control + t |
theme selector |
super + control + c |
color scheme selector |
audio {mute,lower,raise} |
adjust volume |
shift + audio {lower,raise} |
adjust mpd volume |
audio {prev,play,next} |
mpc prev,toggle,next |
super + shift + audio play |
show current track(mpd) |
shift + audio {prev,next} |
mpc seek(rewind,foward) |
brightness {down,up} |
adjust brightness |
Use this script after installing Arch with archinstall. Select the "xorg" profile in archinstall.
Run this script as a user with sudo privileges.
git clone --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/SamDenton/samde.git
cd samde
This is inspired by LARBS, DTOS and chadwm.
I would like to give big thank you to suckless and all the people who've made patches for the suckless programs.
Thank you to the creators of dmenu-bluetooth and lfub.
Also last but not least I would like to thank the FOSS community. This project is essentially a collection of software and ideas from the FOSS community and this project would not even exist without it.