Hands-On exercise for week 3 unit 2: Enhancing the analytical list page
In this unit, you will learn how to create an overview page application. We will be building a Travel Overview application using Guided Development in SAP Business Application Studio.
Prerequisite: You have performed all previous exercises of this course.
We will be using Business Application Studio to create our application. We will start by generating a project for us.
Click Start from template.
Click SAP Fiori application from Select Template and Target Location Page.
Click Start to go to Floorplan Selection page.
Select Overview Page from Floorplan Selection page.
Click Next.
In this step we will select the data source for the project.
- From Data source, select Connect to a System.
- From System, select abap-cloud-default_abap-trial (SCP).
- From Service, select ZUI_FE_BOOKING_######_O2(1) * OData V2
- Click Next
Now we will select Filter entity. This entity will be used as the main entity type that will be used for the smart filter bar for the application.
- From Filter Entity, select BookingType.
- Click Next.
In this step, we will provide the rest of the project attributes.
- Enter traveloverview in Module name.
- Enter Travel Overview in Application title.
- Enter sap.fe.demo in Application namespace.
- Set Project folder path to /home/user/projects.
- Click Finish.
Note: In project folder path '/home/user/projects' is selected. You can choose a different path but make sure to select the same path to create all applications during this course.
Note. If selected project folder path is not opened by default, you can do so by going to File menu then select Open Workspace and choose the selected folder.
Let’s start by creating an Analytical card that will help us understand the Daily flight cost. In this analytical card, we’ll be creating a column chart with FlightPrice as a measure and FlightDate as the dimension. We will also be creating a KPI header with a data point value that will represent the total spending on flights.
Click on traveloverview with the right mouse button.
Click SAP Fiori tools - Open Guided Development
⚠️ Firefox currently has a bug that it does not treat subdomains of localhost as secure. When you open "Guided Development" or another tool of the Fiori tools and the tab stays empty please refresh the page by pressing F5 or click the reload button of the browser. After reloading the page the tool should show up. -
Click Add an analytical card to an overview page
Click Start Guide.
We start by generating a UI Chart annotation. In this annotation, we will supply dimension and measure for the chart. We will also define the chart type we are going to use.
Select BookingType as Entity Type.
Now we will provide settings required to generate the UI Chart annotation.
- Enter FlightPriceColumn as Chart Qualifier.
- Enter Daily Flight Cost as Chart Title.
- From Dimension Property, select FlightDate.
- From Measure Property, select FlightPrice.
- From Chart Type, select Column.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.Chart Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.Chart" Qualifier="FlightPriceColumn"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Daily Flight Cost"/> <PropertyValue Property="MeasureAttributes"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.ChartMeasureAttributeType"> <PropertyValue Property="Measure" PropertyPath="FlightPrice"/> <PropertyValue Property="Role" EnumMember="UI.ChartMeasureRoleType/Axis1"/> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="DimensionAttributes"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.ChartDimensionAttributeType"> <PropertyValue Property="Dimension" PropertyPath="FlightDate"/> <PropertyValue Property="Role" EnumMember="UI.ChartDimensionRoleType/Category"/> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="ChartType" EnumMember="UI.ChartType/Column"/> </Record> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation
Click Next
This step is to generate the presentation variant. Presentation variant can be used to define information like sortOrder or groupBy. Since we don’t need it for this card, we can skip this part.
In this step we’ll create data point annotation for the KPI header. We will use the FlightPrice property to show the data point.
From Entity Type Property, select FlightPrice.
Enter following in the DataPoint Parameters section,
- Enter FlightPriceColumnDataPoint as DataPoint Qualifier.
- Enter Flight Price as DataPoint Title.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataPoint Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.DataPoint" Qualifier="FlightPriceColumnDataPoint"> <Record Type="UI.DataPointType"> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="FlightPrice"/> <PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Flight Price"/> </Record> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation
Click Next
In this step we will create a navigation from this analytical card to analytical list report application which was developed during previous units by defining UI.Identification annotation.
Enter ToBookingAnalysis as Qualifier
Here we are creating an UI.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation annotation.
- Enter Booking as Semantic Object.
- Enter analysis as Action.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.Identification" Qualifier="ToBookingAnalysis"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation"> <PropertyValue Property="SemanticObject" String="Booking"/> <PropertyValue Property="Action" String="analysis"/> </Record> </Collection> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation
Click Next
We are now on the final step to generate the card manifest settings. Here we will define a unique card id, OData version and use the generated annotations to define the card manifest.
Enter CARD_000 as card ID then select V2 as the OData Version.
Enter the following for the card,
- Select Booking as Entity Set.
- Enter Spending On Flights in Title.
- Select Chart Annotation Path as UI.Chart#FlightPriceColumn.
- Select DataPoint Annotation Path as UI.DataPoint#FlightPriceColumnDataPoint
- Select Identification Qualifier as UI.Identification#ToBookingAnalysis.
- Enter Total Spending On Flights in Value Selection Info.
Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated card manifest setting.
"CARD_000": { "model": "mainService", "template": "sap.ovp.cards.charts.analytical", "settings": { "title": "Spending On Flights", "entitySet": "Booking", "dataPointAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.DataPoint#FlightPriceColumnDataPoint", "valueSelectionInfo": "Total Spending On Flights", "chartAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Chart#FlightPriceColumn", "identificationAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Identification#ToBookingAnalysis" } }
Generated card configuration:
Click Exit Guide
We have added an analytical card with column chart in our Travel Overview app. Let's previous the application.
Click on traveloverview with the right mouse button.
Click Preview Application
Click start fiori run --open 'test/flpSandbox.html#traveloverview-tile
Application Preview
In Overview page, you can create cards using OData V4 service as well. We will now add an OData V4 service to our project that was created during Week 1 of the course. Later we will use this OData V4 service to create a table card.
Click on manifest.json with the right mouse button.
Click Open Service Manager
Click Add Service
Click Select a service dropdown
Click ZUI_FE_TRAVEL_######O4 > ZFE_TRAVEL###### (0001) - odata v4
Note. Choose the OData V4 service you created during week 1 unit 5.
Click Add
We will add a new annotation file for the added OData V4 service.
Click Annotation File Manager
Click Select service dropdown
Click zui_fe_travel_######_o4
Click Create Local Annotation File
Click Create
Generated Annotation file in the project:
Note. Close the guided development page for the added service to reflect during card creation.
Now that we have added an OData V4 service, we will create a table card to display information on travel. We will also create a view switch to display information filtered by travel status.
Click on traveloverview with the right mouse button.
Click SAP Fiori tools - Open Guided Development
Click Add a table card to an overview page
Click Start Guide
We will start by creating UI.DataPoint annotation for different travel start dates.
Select zui_fe_travel_######_o4 from Model dropdown. Note, you need to close the guided development tab after you added the additional service and reopen it again.
Select TravelType from Entity Type dropdown.
Select BeginDate from Entity Type Property.
Enter following for the DataPoint Parameters for Open/In Progress travel status,
- Enter TravelBeginDateOpenInProgress as DataPoint Qualifier.
- Enter Open/In Progress Travels as DataPoint Title.
- Select Critical from DataPoint Criticality dropdown.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataPoint Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.DataPoint" Qualifier="TravelBeginDateOpenInprogress"> <Record Type="UI.DataPointType"> <PropertyValue Property="Criticality" EnumMember="UI.CriticalityType/Critical"/> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="BeginDate"/> <PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Open/In Progress Travels" /> </Record> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation - Open/In Progress:
Enter following for the DataPoint Parameters for Accepted travel status,
- Enter TravelBeginDateAccepted as DataPoint Qualifier.
- Enter Accepted Travels as DataPoint Title.
- Select Positive from DataPoint Criticality dropdown.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataPoint Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.DataPoint" Qualifier="TravelBeginDateAccepted"> <Record Type="UI.DataPointType"> <PropertyValue Property="Criticality" EnumMember="UI.CriticalityType/Positive"/> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="BeginDate"/> <PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Accepted Travels" /> </Record> </Annotation>
Enter following for the DataPoint Parameters for Rejected travel status,
- Enter TravelBeginDateRejected as DataPoint Qualifier.
- Enter Rejected Travels as DataPoint Title.
- Select Negative from DataPoint Criticality dropdown.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataPoint Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.DataPoint" Qualifier="TravelBeginDateRejected"> <Record Type="UI.DataPointType"> <PropertyValue Property="Criticality" EnumMember="UI.CriticalityType/Negative"/> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="BeginDate"/> </Record> </Annotation>
Click Next.
We have the data point annotation for the beginDate property. Let's start by creating table columns with data field annotation. Line item annotation will reference the data field as the target.
Enter the following in New Column Parameters section,
- Enter OpenInProgressTravels as Qualifier.
- Select Description from Property dropdown.
- Enter Travel as Label.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply).
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataField Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.LineItem" Qualifier="OpenInprogressTravels"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="Description"/> <PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Travel"/> </Record> </Collection> </Annotation>
Enter the following in New Column Parameters section,
- Select LastName as Property.
- Enter Customer as Label
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataField Annotation appended to the annotation generated in the last step.
<Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="LastName" /> <PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Customer" /> </Record>
Clear Property and Label fields. Then select UI.DataPoint#TravelBeginDateOpenInProgress as DataPoint Qualifier then click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply).
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataFieldForAnnotation Annotation appended to the annotation generated in the last step.
<Record Type="UI.DataFieldForAnnotation"> <PropertyValue Property="Target" AnnotationPath="@UI.DataPoint#TravelBeginDateOpenInProgress" /> </Record>
Generated Annotation:
Click on the Reset button, then enter the following in New Column Parameters section,
- Enter AcceptedTravels as Qualifier.
- Select Description from Property dropdown.
- Enter Travel as Label.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply).
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataField Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.LineItem" Qualifier="AcceptedTravels"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Travel" /> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="Description" /> </Record> </Collection> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation:
Enter the following in New Column Parameters section,
- Select LastName as Property.
- Enter Customer as Label
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataField Annotation appended to the annotation generated in the last step.
<Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="LastName" /> <PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Customer" /> </Record>
Generated Annotation:
Clear Property and Label fields. Then select UI.DataPoint#TravelBeginDateAccepted as DataPoint Qualifier.
Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataFieldForAnnotation Annotation appended to the annotation generated in the last step.
<Record Type="UI.DataFieldForAnnotation"> <PropertyValue Property="Target" AnnotationPath="@UI.DataPoint#TravelBeginDateAccepted" /> </Record>
Generated Annotation:
Enter the following in New Column Parameters section,
- Enter RejectedTravels as Qualifier.
- Select Description from Property dropdown.
- Enter Travel as Label.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply).
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataField Annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.LineItem" Qualifier="RejectedTravels"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Travel" /> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="Description" /> </Record> </Collection> </Annotation>
Enter the following in New Column Parameters section,
- Select LastName as Property.
- Enter Customer as Label
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataField Annotation appended to the annotation generated in the last step.
<Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="LastName" /> <PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Customer" /> </Record>
Generated Annotation:
Clear Property and Label fields. Then select UI.DataPoint#TravelBeginDateRejected as DataPoint Qualifier then click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply).
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.DataFieldForAnnotation Annotation appended to the annotation generated in the last step.
<Record Type="UI.DataFieldForAnnotation">
<PropertyValue Property="Target" AnnotationPath="@UI.DataPoint#TravelBeginDateRejected" />
Generated Annotation:
In this step, we will create 3 selection variants for each status Accepted, Rejected and Open/In Progress.
Enter the following in the Filter Values section.
- Enter OpenInProgressSelection in Selection Variant Qualifier.
- Select TravelStatusText from Filter Property.
- Enter Open as Filter Value.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.SelectionVariant annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.SelectionVariant" Qualifier="OpenInProgressSelection"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SelectOptions"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.SelectOptionType"> <PropertyValue Property="PropertyName" PropertyPath="TravelStatusText" /> <PropertyValue Property="Ranges"> <Collection> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="Sign" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeSignType/I" /> <PropertyValue Property="Option" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeOptionType/EQ" /> <PropertyValue Property="Low" String="Open" /> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation:
Enter In Progress in Filter Value then click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply).
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this record will be appended to annotation generated in last step.
<Record Type="UI.SelectOptionType"> <PropertyValue Property="PropertyName" PropertyPath="TravelStatusText" /> <PropertyValue Property="Ranges"> <Collection> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="Sign" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeSignType/I" /> <PropertyValue Property="Option" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeOptionType/EQ" /> <PropertyValue Property="Low" String="In Progress" /> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record>
Generated Annotation:
Enter the following in the Filter Values section.
- Enter AcceptedSelection in Selection Variant Qualifier.
- Select TravelStatusText from Filter Property.
- Enter Accepted as Filter Value.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.SelectionVariant annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.SelectionVariant" Qualifier="AcceptedSelection"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SelectOptions"> <Collection> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="PropertyName" PropertyPath="TravelStatusText" /> <PropertyValue Property="Ranges"> <Collection> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="Sign" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeSignType/I" /> <PropertyValue Property="Option" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeOptionType/EQ" /> <PropertyValue Property="Low" String="Accepted" /> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation:
Enter the following in the Filter Values section.
- Enter RejectedSelection in Selection Variant Qualifier.
- Select TravelStatusText from Filter Property.
- Enter Rejected as Filter Value.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.SelectionVariant annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.SelectionVariant" Qualifier="RejectedSelection"> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="SelectOptions"> <Collection> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="PropertyName" PropertyPath="TravelStatusText" /> <PropertyValue Property="Ranges"> <Collection> <Record> <PropertyValue Property="Sign" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeSignType/I" /> <PropertyValue Property="Option" EnumMember="UI.SelectionRangeOptionType/EQ" /> <PropertyValue Property="Low" String="Rejected" /> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Collection> </PropertyValue> </Record> </Annotation>
Generated annotation:
Click Next
In this step, we will configure navigation to the list report application that we developed during week 1.
Enter ToTravelManage as Qualifier
Enter the following for the UI.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation annotation.
- Enter Travel as Semantic Object.
- Enter manage as Action.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated UI.Identification annotation.
<Annotation Term="UI.Identification" Qualifier="ToTravelManage"> <Collection> <Record Type="UI.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation"> <PropertyValue Property="SemanticObject" String="Travel"/> <PropertyValue Property="Action" String="manage"/> </Record> </Collection> </Annotation>
Generated Annotation:
Click Next
In this step we will provide card manifest settings.
Enter the following in the New Card Parameters section.
- Select Travel from Entity Set dropdown.
- Enter CARD_001 as Card ID
- Select V4 from OData Version dropdown.
Enter the following in the Table Card Settings Parameters,
- Enter Travel List as Title.
- Select TravelType from Entity Type dropdown.
- Select BeginDate from Sort By dropdown.
- Select Ascending from Sort Order dropdown.
- Select Yes from Tabs dropdown.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the generated card setting.
"CARD_001": { "model": "zui_fe_travel_00 _o4", "template": "sap.ovp.cards.v4.table", "settings": { "title": "Travel List", "entitySet": "Travel", "sortOrder": "ascending", "sortBy": "BeginDate", "tabs": [ {} ] } }
Generated Card Setting:
Click Next
In this step, we will create tab settings for the view switch.
Enter the following in the Tab Setting Parameters,
- Select UI.LineItem#OpenInProgressTravels from LineItem Annotation Path dropdown.
- Select UI.SelectionVariant#OpenInProgressSelection from Selection Variant Annotation Path.
- Select UI.Identification#ToTravelManage from Identification Qualifier.
- Enter Open/In Progress as Value.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the tab setting appended to the card tabs setting we generated in Step 5.
{ "annotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.LineItem#OpenInProgressTravels", "selectionAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.SelectionVariant#OpenInProgressSelection", "identificationAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Identification#ToTravelManage", "value": "Open/In Progress" }
Generated Tab Settings:
Enter the following in the Tab Setting Parameters,
- Select UI.LineItem#AcceptedTravels from LineItem Annotation Path dropdown.
- Select UI.SelectionVariant#AcceptedSelection from Selection Variant Annotation Path.
- Select UI.Identification#ToTravelManage from Identification Qualifier.
- Enter Accepted as Value.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the tab setting appended to the card tabs setting we generated in Step 5.
{ "annotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.LineItem#AcceptedTravels", "selectionAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.SelectionVariant#AcceptedSelection", "identificationAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Identification#ToTravelManage", "value": "Accepted" }
Generated Tab Setting:
Enter the following in the Tab Setting Parameters,
- Select UI.LineItem#RejectedTravels from LineItem Annotation Path dropdown.
- Select UI.SelectionVariant#RejectedSelection from Selection Variant Annotation Path.
- Select UI.Identification#ToTravelManage from Identification Qualifier.
- Enter Rejected as Value.
- Click Insert Snippet (formerly Apply)
After clicking on Insert Snippet (formerly Apply), this would be the tab setting appended to the card tabs setting we generated in Step 5.
{ "annotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.LineItem#RejectedTravels", "selectionAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.SelectionVariant#RejectedSelection", "identificationAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Identification#ToTravelManage", "value": "Rejected" }
Generated Tab setting
Click Exit Guide
Click on traveloverview with the right mouse button.
Click Preview Application
Click start fiori run --open 'test/flpSandbox.html#traveloverview-tile
Let’s add a text arrangement annotation for the description field. With this annotation the Travel Id with display next to the Description field in the table.
Click to open annotation0.xml
Paste the following annotation in the annotation file for the OData V4 service.
<Annotations Target="SAP.TravelType/Description"> <Annotation Term="com.sap.vocabularies.Common.v1.Text" Path="TravelID"> <Annotation Term="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.TextArrangement" EnumMember="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.TextArrangementType/TextLast" /> </Annotation> </Annotations>
Annotation Preview:
Application Preview:
Next step would be to configure the smart filter bar to show only the relevant fields to us. We will use Selection Fields annotation on the main entity set applied to the global filter bar to show CarrierID and BookingDate.
Click to open annotation.xml
Paste the following in the annotation.xml file.
<Annotation Term="UI.SelectionFields"> <Collection> <PropertyPath>CarrierID</PropertyPath> <PropertyPath>BookingDate</PropertyPath> </Collection> </Annotation>
Add this annotation under cds_zfe_booking_analytics_######.BookingType annotations target in your annotation.xml file.
<Annotations Target="cds_zfe_booking_analytics_######.BookingType"> ... </Annotations>
Note: We used a slighly different version of UI.SelectionFields annotation in the video, which works as well. But this one is the leaner version.
Annotation Preview:
Application Preview:
Let's add a Static Linked List card to our app called ‘Quick Links’. Where we can maintain some links that might be useful for a travel desk clerk like, create travel, Manage travel and so on.
Paste this card setting under "cards" property of "sap.ovp" property in the manifest.json file to add the static link list card.
"CARD_002": {
"model": "mainService",
"template": "sap.ovp.cards.linklist",
"settings": {
"title": "Quick Links",
"listFlavor": "standard",
"staticContent": [
"title": "Create Travel",
"imageUri": "sap-icon://create",
"imageAltText": "{{card30_icon_so_man}}",
"targetUri": "https://sap.com",
"openInNewWindow": true
"title": "Manage Travel",
"imageUri": "sap-icon://edit",
"imageAltText": "{{card30_icon_so_man}}",
"targetUri": "https://sap.com",
"openInNewWindow": true
"title": "Airport Status",
"imageUri": "sap-icon://message-information",
"imageAltText": "{{card30_icon_so_man}}",
"targetUri": "https://sap.com",
"openInNewWindow": true
"title": "Location Guides",
"imageUri": "sap-icon://functional-location",
"imageAltText": "{{card30_icon_so_man}}",
"targetUri": "https://sap.com",
"openInNewWindow": true
"title": "Travel Warnings",
"imageUri": "sap-icon://alert",
"imageAltText": "{{card30_icon_so_man}}",
"targetUri": "https://sap.com",
"openInNewWindow": true
"title": "Rental Car Booking",
"imageUri": "sap-icon://car-rental",
"imageAltText": "{{card30_icon_so_man}}",
"targetUri": "https://sap.com",
"openInNewWindow": true
Let's add another analytical card with donut chart Spending By Airlines. This card should display the flight cost by airlines. We will use FlightPrice as the measure and CarrierName as the dimension. Similar to Spending on flights card, we can configure navigation to the analytical list report application created in previous units.
UI.Chart Annotation for the card
<Annotation Term="UI.Chart" Qualifier="FlightPriceByAirlineDonut">
<PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Flight Cost By Airlines"/>
<PropertyValue Property="MeasureAttributes">
<Record Type="UI.ChartMeasureAttributeType">
<PropertyValue Property="Measure" PropertyPath="FlightPrice"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Role" EnumMember="UI.ChartMeasureRoleType/Axis1"/>
<PropertyValue Property="DimensionAttributes">
<Record Type="UI.ChartDimensionAttributeType">
<PropertyValue Property="Dimension" PropertyPath="CarrierName"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Role" EnumMember="UI.ChartDimensionRoleType/Category"/>
<PropertyValue Property="ChartType" EnumMember="UI.ChartType/Donut"/>
Add this annotation under cds_zfe_booking_analytics_######.BookingType annotations target in your annotation.xml file.
<Annotations Target="cds_zfe_booking_analytics_######.BookingType">
Manifest setting for the card,
"CARD_003": {
"model": "mainService",
"template": "sap.ovp.cards.charts.analytical",
"settings": {
"title": "Spending By Airlines",
"entitySet": "Booking",
"identificationAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Identification#ToBookingAnalysis",
"chartAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Chart#FlightPriceByAirlineDonut"
You have completed the exercise! In this unit, you have learned
- When to use an overview page
- About the components in an overview page
- How to personalize the overview page
- How to create an overview page