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Thích Đọc Truyện

Software Design course final project.

Story reading web application with capabilities to search, read, and enjoy a variety types of story on the Internet (We do not steal them, we just use them as academic material).

Should there be any inconvience to you who owns a story we use, please kindly contact us for resolution.

Team members

Student ID Full Name
21120502 Trần Đức Minh
21120515 Trần Phước Nhân
21120519 Lê Thanh Phát
21120521 Nguyễn Phúc Phát
21120524 Trương Minh Phát

Features - Client Side

  • Search for a story by name or author name from a story source
  • Display details of a story (story title, description, number of chapters, genres, etc.) and chapter list
  • Choose a specific chapter to read (the story content is formatted a bit)
  • UI elements of the reading pad can be adjusted (background color, font family, font size)
  • Chapter detail can be saved to local as PDF, EPUB, and images
  • Switch the source of a chapter detail if possible
  • Quickly navigate to previous, next, or a specific chapter
  • Save reading history to local


  1. Node >= v18.21 (For the pnpm to work)
  2. pnpm >= 9.1.0

Getting started with this project

Create .env or .env.local file and fill all the variables (see .env.example)

# Backend API URL

Install dependencies

pnpm i

Spin up the dev server

pnpm run dev

You can run tests (for fun)

pnpm run test # unit & integration tests (vitest)
pnpm run test:ese # e2e tests (playwright)


  • I am, @tmphat1312, the only one who maintains this project will abandon it when the Software Design course ends.
  • Actions in this repo are just for demo only (I just got my hands dirty with GitHub Actions)
  • There was a getting started option with Docker. However I ran into problem wiht node-18 lately and decided to quit (I'm new to Docker btw)
  • You can use this repo (I don't care anyway), but be careful with hidden code smell and bugs.


The Unlicense