This Web-browser tool helps you to understand and experiment with the Intel 8085 microprocessor, It's like a virtual playground where you can experiment and discover how this old-school tech works.
- Reset All: Click this button to reset the simulator to its initial state.
- Help: Access helpful documentation or instructions.
- Info: Obtain information about the simulator.
This section displays the internal registers and flags of the 8085 microprocessor:
- A: Accumulator register.
- BC: B and C registers.
- DE: D and E registers.
- HL: H and L registers.
- PSW: Program Status Word.
- PC: Program Counter.
- SP: Stack Pointer.
- Int-Reg: Interrupt Register.
- S: Sign Flag.
- Z: Zero Flag.
- AC: Auxiliary Carry Flag.
- P: Parity Flag.
- C: Carry Flag.
Convert decimal to hexadecimal and vice versa.
Enter values in the "Decimal" or "Hex" fields and use the corresponding buttons to perform conversions.
Select whether you want to work with "Memory" or "I/O Ports" using the dropdown menu.
Enter the address and data values, then click "Update Value" to modify memory or I/O content.
The central part of the interface is the code editor.
You can write and edit 8085 assembly code here.
Control buttons include:
- Run: Execute the code.
- Compile: Check the code for errors.
- Zoom In/Out: Adjust the font size in the code editor.
This section allows you to view and manipulate memory and I/O ports.
Toggle between "Memory" and "I/O Ports" using the buttons.
The display shows address (hex), address (decimal), and data values.