Ever wanted to go on a walk and see the most beautiful sights in San Francisco? Well now you can plan your routes with ease.
First select from a set of filters to determine which sights you want to visit. We will choose locations from our curated list route you to them.
First enter in your start and end location (if end!=start), then enter in your desired distance for your hike. Finally, choose the filters on the locations that you want to visit and we will generate five routes for you to pick from. All of them will about the right distance and hit different spots in the city that you are probably interested in.
Check out our prototype and sample route !
Stacey Charles Jen Joel Rachel
Obviously our app doesn't work! None of us have yet had a technical role, but I think this is a pretty good idea. We couldn't figure out how to get info from the json the python file outputs to the map drawer to the awesome designs that our team made. But, we had fun :)
If you run the python file, (and enter in your google maps directions api key), you get a sample of what the output should be.