Read instructions from stdin and write them to a modbus shared memory.
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build .
As an alternative to the git submodule
commands, the --recursive
option can be used with git clone
stdin-to-modbus-shm [OPTION...]
-n, --name-prefix arg name prefix of the shared memory objects (default: modbus_)
--address-base arg Numerical base (radix) that is used for the addresses (see (default: 0)
--value-base arg Numerical base (radix) that is used for the values (see (default: 0)
-p, --passthrough write passthrough all executed commands to stdout
--bash passthrough as bash script. No effect i '--passthrough' is not set
--valid-hist add only valid commands to command history
-h, --help print usage
-v, --verbose print what is written to the registers
--version print version information
--license show licenses
--data-types show list of supported data type identifiers
--constants list string constants that can be used as value
Data input format: reg_type:address:value[:data_type]
reg_type : modbus register type: [do|di|ao|ai]
address : address of the target register: [0-65535]
The actual maximum register depends on the size of the modbus shared memory.
value : value that is written to the target register
Some string constants are available. The input format depends on the type of register and data type.
Type 'help constants' for more details
For the registers do and di all numerical values different from 0 are interpreted as 1.
data_type: an optional data type specifier
If no data type is specified, exactly one register is written in host byte order.
Type 'help types' to get a list of supported data type identifiers.
This application uses the following libraries:
- cxxopts by jarro2783 (
- libmodbus by Stéphane Raimbault (