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Dash Studio Editor Overview

zegreatclan edited this page Apr 7, 2017 · 2 revisions

Component Types

Circular Gauge

Create a circular gauge with custom starting and end point

Linear Gradient

Make a shape with a gradient


Create ellipse shape

Gauge Needle

Use an image to create a gauge needle

Image - Insert image Track Map - Insert generated track map (Game compatibility dependant) Linear Gauge - Create linear gauge with colors or image Rectangle - Create rectangle shape Text - Add text

Screen - Shows the properties of the current screen and the selected component or widget

Components List of all components or widgets on the currently selected screen. These can be locked in place by clicking the ‘Padlock’ symbol on the right, when locked it is possible to select components placed under the locked component

Component/Widget Properties Name Name - Change the name displayed in the components list, this will also change the component label in the design area

General BackgroundColor - Change the background color of the selected component Height - Change the height of selected component Left - Change the distance from the left of the design area RenderingSkip - Frameskip, change how many frames are missed for every single frame rendered. Example: Set to 1 to skip 1 frame in every 2. [Number of skipped data update frames If set to zero every change of the bound values will be applied instantly, 1 will skip one update frame on two … It allows to slow down component refresh rate.] Top - Change the distance from the top of the design area Visible - Change if the component is visible Width - Change the width of the selected component

Border BorderBottom - Create a border on the bottom of the component BorderColor - Pick a color for the border BorderLeft - Create a border on the bottom of the component BorderRight - Create a border on the bottom of the component BorderTop - Create a border on the bottom of the component RadiusBottomLeft - Round the bottom left of the border RadiusBottomRight - Round the bottom right of the border RadiusTopLeft - Round the top left of the border RadiusTopRight - Round the top right of the border

Effects BlurRadius - Blur the outside of the component Opacity - Change the opacity of the BlurRadius Rotation - Rotate the component

Image Image - Pick an image to show

Ellipse EllipseBackgroundImage - Add an image to the ellipse EllipseColor - Pick the color for the ellipse EllipseThickness - Specific the thickness of the ellipse FillColor - Pick the fill color for the ellipse

Gauge GaugeImage - Add an image for the gauge Maximum - Set the max FX value MaximumAngle - Specify the max angle the gauge should stop at Minimum - Set the min FX value MinimumAngle - Specify the min angle the gauge should start at NeedleOffset - Set an offset for the needle Value - Current value of the gauge, change this to show how the gauge will look at different FX values

Circular Gauge CircleGaugeBackgroundColor - Pick the color for the gauge background CircleGaugeBackgroundImage - Add an image for the gauge background CircleGaugeColor - Pick the color for the gauge CircleGaugeImage - Add an image for the gauge MaxAngle - Specify the max angle the gauge should stop at MaxValue - Set the max FX value MinAngle - Specify the min angle the gauge should start at MinValue - Set the min FX value Steps - Specify how many steps between min and max value the gauge should show in StrokeThickness - Specify thickness of the circular gauge Value - Current value of the gauge, change this to show how the gauge will look at different FX values

Misc AutoSize - Keep aspect ratio when resizing AutoSizeScale - Set a scale for autosize, use 0.5 for 50% etc Color - Pick a color

Dashboard Dashboard Properties - Select width and height for the dashboard, you can use the zoom slider at the bottom left of the screen to change the zoom level Dashboard Screens - Switch, rename (Double click), reorder (Drag and drop) and delete (Right click) screens

Images Add Image - Add an image to the available images Additional Options - Right click to delete and replace images

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