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SIGLUS android app

Unit Tests

run ./gradlew testLocalDebug to run the Robolectric tests for local debug apk

run ./ -d -e local to run the unit tests in docker

Contract Tests

  1. Install rvm via \curl -L | bash -s stable
  2. Install Ruby via: rvm install ruby-2.6.6
  3. Install bundler via: gem install bundler
  4. Install cucumber via: gem install cucumber -v 1.3.20
  5. Install calabash-android via: gem install calabash-android -v 0.9.0
  6. Run ./gradlew contractTests

Functional Tests

Run all FunctionalTests

./gradlew assembleLocalDebug
./gradlew functionalTests

Run Specific Tag Functional Test

./gradlew assembleLocalDebug
cd functionalTests
calabash-android run ../app/build/outputs/apk/app-dev-debug.apk --tags @MMIA

Run all tests except specific tag

./gradlew assembleDevDebug
cd functionalTests
calabash-android run ../app/build/outputs/apk/app-dev-debug.apk --tags ~@MMIA

Running the training app

Run ./gradlew assembleShowCaseDebug to package the showcase app Run ./gradlew assembleTrainingDebug to package the training app You can find the generated apks under app/build/outputs/apk/. Install them to Genymotion or your tablet and run.

If you want to package a signed release of the app:

You need to set environment variables for KSTOREPWD and KEYPWD.

After you have these environment variables set, run ./gradlew assembleShowCaseRelease or ./gradlew assembleTrainingRelease.

Code Coverage by Unit Tests

Run ./gradlew jacocoTestReport in master branch.

you can get test coverage report in 'lmis-moz-mobile/app/build/reports'.

you can refrence "" if you have test report question.