A social network that is safe for kids. It makes sure that images and text is appropriate for kids under the age of 12.
Description:A social network that is safe for kids. It makes sure that images and text is appropriate for kids under the age of 12.
Author Name:Simran Raj
Author Url:http://www.simranraj.com
- The home page should have a form for signup and a button for login.
- Clicking on the login button should redirect the user to the /login page.
- On click the submit button the form should make a POST request.
- If the user is created the app should show a confirmation message to the user that the account has been created and redirect the user to the login page..
- Send a welcome email to the user for successfully completing the sign up.
- The view method should send the user to the /feeds/ page after log in.
- Create a post.
- The webpage should contain a button to upload an image and a text box to add a caption to the same.
- If the post was successfully created show a success message to the user else an error message.
- View Posts.
- The page should show a list of all photos posted by every user in a chronological order, with the latest image on top.
- Each post should carry the name of the person who posted it, the timestamp, the image that was posted and caption it was posted with.
- The web page should have a button or link called Create a new Post which links to the /post url and a logout button.
- Like a post
- For each post add a button to like the post.
- If the user has already liked a post the button/icon should indicate the same through either text or color indicators.
- If a user clicks the like button on an already liked post it should unlike the post in the database.
- Send an email to the user who created the post informing them that their post has been liked.
- Comment on Photos
- Add a comment box and 'Comment' button for each post.
- Show the list of comments for each post along with other details. The list of comments should include the user name, timestamp and comment text of the comment.
- Send an email to the user who create the post informing them of a new comment on the post they created.
- Implement upvoting on a comment.
- Make the url accept query parameters to optionally show posts only from a particular user.
- Log Out.(button on feeds and post page)
### Python setup
To properly use this python-modules some additional libraries have to be
installed beforehand. This can be easily accomplished with the commands below.
pip install virtual_env
source bin/activate
pip install Django
pip install sendgrid
pip install imgurpythn
pip install clarifai
pip install ParallelDots
pip install DateTime
pyhton manage.py runserver
Preview localhost:8000 - Home Page
localhost:8000/post/ - PostSuccessful(Analysis proper content[image and caption] for children)