Welcome to the GitHub profile of SISRSTP organization! Here you can find repositories related to our system for tracking and tracing public transportation services.
SISRSTP is a project aimed at developing a distributed system for tracking and tracing public transportation services. Our goal is to provide real-time location tracking of buses, efficient communication with passengers, and improved management of transportation resources.
Here are some of the key repositories maintained by SISRSTP:
Auth-Service: Repository for the authentication and authorization service responsible for managing user accounts and access control.
Bus-Service: Repository for the bus service responsible for managing bus data, including registration, updates, and querying information.
Location-Service: Repository for the location service responsible for receiving and processing GPS signals from buses and providing real-time location updates to clients.
Client-App: Repository for the client application developed in React Native, allowing passengers to track buses and receive location updates.
We welcome contributions from the community! If you're interested in contributing to any of our projects, please check out the respective repository and follow the contribution guidelines provided there.
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us:
- Email: contact@sisrstp.com
- Website: www.sisrstp.com
Thank you for your interest in SISRSTP! 🙌