This is a collection of my dotfiles. I'm frequently reinstalling my system and don't want to waste my time getting my configs back. My dotfiles are written in such a way to get those important systems back.
This dotfile handles my:
- rudimentary/common software
- bioinformatic software
- emacs (my original and my literate doom configs)
- some fonts
- tweaks (quickly adding removable drives, etc)
- zsh
The following has not been fully automated:
In Terminal
- Installation of oh-my-zsh
- emacs: run '/scripts/'
- bioinformatic software: run '/scripts/'
- zsh: recommended to run '/scripts/'. Some modifications to '/scripts/' would do the same job.
- To setup architecture (rudimentary/common software, some fonts, tweaks) for either debian or arch based, run the appropiate file in '/architecture-handlers'
- Programming languages are set up through scripts under '/programming-languages/
I took inspiration from several sources;
- Sacha Chua
- M-emacs
- etc
- tomnomnom
- victoriadrake