The motivation for ukhlsclean
is to develop a set of standard
functions for processing raw data from the UK Household Longitudinal
Study, also known as Understanding Society, which is an ongoing
longitudinal survey of individuals and households representative of the
UK population. The survey collects a wide variety of demographic,
behavioural, health, and labour market information.
is open source and available on
GitHub. If you are on a Windows
machine you will need to install
Once that is sorted, you can install the latest version or a specified
version from GitHub with:
ref = "x.x.x",
build_vignettes = FALSE
# Where uname is your GitHub user name.
# ref is the version you want to install - remove for the latest version
Morris, D and Chen, RKL (2023). ukhlsclean: Data Wrangling for Understanding Society - The UK Household Longitudinal Study. R package version [x.x.x]. University of Sheffield. . doi:
Some examples of projects making use of the ukhlsclean
package are:
- Smoking, drinking, and work outcomes. Here the package is used to create a clean longitudinal dataset of smoking and drinking behaviours, labour market outcomes, and the covariates needed to model labour market outcomes.