Sprits Villa offer you the convenience of shopping for everything that you need for your home - be it fresh fruits & vegetables, rice, dals, oil, packaged food, dairy item, frozen, pet food, household cleaning items & personal care products from a single virtual store.
Live Demo Link https://natural-volcano-6886-sy8i.vercel.app/
If you want to run our project in your local machine
Follow the given steps:
- Clone our respository https://github.com/SachinPandey582/Natural-volcano-6886
- Open our code in VS code
- Then do npm install
- Then Initialize the server by writing 'npm run start' on Terminal
- Congrats ! you have successfully sarted the application.
- Java Script
- Redux
- Express
- Mongodb
- Chakra UI
- React.js
- React Routing
- node js