- Put all the project data into archive, upload it on server storage and extract it.
- Copy the queries inside localhost.sql and run it on phpmyadmin
- Change base_url in config/config.php (Must include full url name eg. http://crm.sachinartani.com)
- Change database details in config/database.php such as hostname, username, password and database
- Set localtime offset of user from config/constants.php, line 89 in defined constant LOCAL_TIME
A helper that contain all functions that are used in most of the controllers. Functions defined inside common helper- setOutput() - for rtnMsg and success getprivileges() - for fetching user privileges for accessing modules getUTC() - returns gmt data/time getLocalTime() - returns localtime by accepting date as string and format
- To get all controllers with their methods use - $this->controllerlist->getControllers();
- controllerlist is defined in application/libraries and updated to autoload.php