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A command line client used to administrate the hosted Jumpcloud identity provider service.

Getting Started


pip install git+


Usage: jccli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Run jccli

  -k, --key TEXT       JumpCloud API key (can also be set in config file or
                       use environmental variable: JC_API_KEY)

  -p, --profile TEXT   A user profile, as specified in the config file
                       [default: DEFAULT]

  -v, --verbosity LVL  Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
  --version            Show the version and exit.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  group  Command set for groups
  sync   Sync Jumpcloud with a data file
  user   Command set for users
> jccli --key XXXXXXXXXX61d2 user get --username jsmith
  "id": "9ba6cc40d82ee45d5f73da2e",
  "account_locked": false,
  "activated": true,
  "firstname": "Joe",
  "job_title": "",
  "lastname": "Smith",


JCCLI will look for an optional configuration file named .jccli.ini in the user's home directory. See Python's configparser for formatting specification. In short, field = "value" pairs go under [profile] headers (replacing profile with the desired name of the profile), which can be switched between using the --profile option. Currently, the only field that can be set is the key field, which can be set to a JCCLI API key. Help text for optional arguments indicates whether they can be set in a user's config file. If the user does not specify a --profile it will default to [DEFAULT].

For example:



A user who has the above content in their ~/.jccli.ini config file can use jccli with the key YOUR-KEY-HERE if they don't specify a --profile; they can use the API key YOUR-OTHER-KEY-HERE if they specify --profile alt-account; or they can use neither and pick a third key by using --key YET-ANOTHER-KEY-HERE (regardless of whether --profile is specified).

Settings precedence

JCCLI will look for settings (including API key, etc.) with the following order of precedence:

  1. Optional arguments
  2. Environmental variables
  3. Selected profile in config file
  4. DEFAULT profile in config file


Contributions are welcome.


Install these utilities:


Before making a commit, you should syntactically validate your code and configurations with pre-commit.

You can set up pre-commit hooks to automatically be run before every commit by running: pre-commit install. Alternatively, you can manually execute the validations by running pre-commit run --all-files.


JCCLI's test suite consists of unit tests and integration tests. The integration tests are designed to run on an actual clean JumpCloud instance (see docstrings under setup_class() methods in integration_tests/test_*.py for details). You can provide a key either by setting the environmental variable JC_API_KEY, or by setting the key field under the section [jccli-dev-testing] in your ~/.jccli.ini configuration file (See Configuration for details). You will also need to set the JC_CONNECT_KEY environment variable when running the integration test suite. This is the key used to allow systems to register with your JumpCloud instance, and can be found by navigating to the "devices" tab in the JumpCloud web console, and clicking the "+" button in the top-right corner.

We use Travis-CI to automate our testing. This repo's Travis configuration is set up to run the unit test suite (in unit_tests/) on every pull request and push, and to run the integration test suite (in integration_tests/) only on a push.


Certain integration tests require the use of Docker to simulate JumpCloud systems. Make sure that Docker is installed and that the Docker daemon is running in order to execute these tests.


Contributors are requested to use the following process (in the examples, we'll suppose that a user named john-smith wants to fix some typos in the documentation):

  1. Make a fork of JCCLI. E.g. Sage-Bionetworks:jcclijohn-smith:jccli
  2. Make a branch off of master named after a feature or issue. E.g. john-smith:jccli/masterjohn-smith:jccli/fix-typo-in-docs
  3. Make commits to that branch (in this example, john-smith:jccli/fix-typo-in-docs). When pushed to GitHub, they should trigger Travis to run unit tests and integration tests. For the integration tests to pass, contributors need to make sure that the JC_API_KEY environmental variable in their Travis CI environment is set to a Jumpcloud API Key —specifically, one corresponding to a "clean" JumpCloud instance (i.e. it should have no users, groups, etc.).
  4. Make a pull request from the feature/issue branch on the fork (e.g. john-smith:jccli/fix-typo-in-docs) to Sage-Bionetworks:jccli/master.
  5. Wait for maintainers to review code and approve the pull request.

Maintainers should use the following process for reviewing and approving outside pull requests:

  1. Examine proposed changes on GitHub. Pay special attention to hidden environment variables (as of write time, JC_API_KEY) and make sure nothing in the changes could expose them or use them for unintended purposes. If in doubt, DO NOT proceed to the next step.
  2. Incorporate the changes into a new branch in our repo, e.g. create a branch Sage-Bionetworks:jccli/fix-typo-in-docs and manually pull in the changes from john-smith:jccli/fix-typo-in-docs. Make a new tracking remote branch (i.e. git push --set-upstream origin fix-typo-in-docs, or whatever the name of your remote is, instead of origin) and push to it in order to trigger a Travis CI build. Make sure that the integration-test job ran and passed successfully.
  3. Approve/merge the pull request and delete the feature branch made for testing purposes (Sage-Bionetworks:jccli/fix-types-in-docs, in the example).


We try to follow semantic versioning as much as possble. We use bump2version to help automate versioning of this project.

To manually bump the version:

bumpversion patch --config-file setup.cfg


We have setup our CI to automate a release of this app. To kick off the process just create a tag (i.e v1.0.0) and push to the repo. It is important to have the v in the tag and the tag must be the same number as the current version. Our CI will do the work of publishing the app to pypi and then bumping to the next version for development.


Below are some handy resource links.

  • Project Documentation
  • Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary.
  • Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by Geog Brandl and licnsed under the BSD license.
  • pytest helps you write better programs.
  • GNU Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.


A jumpcloud command line interface application







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