This project requires downloading a backend:
FirstRide. is an app that allows users to share and find rides that to specific destinations. Users can select a destination, once they are on the page they can enter their location to see a map with rides around them. The pins represent pickup locations. Once the rider selects a pin, they will see the ride on the left bar, which they can click on and join or unjoin. Users can also offer a ride a from this page. Up top, a user can also find a list of all their rides existing. This app was developed with an express / node.js back end to hold all the user data. A google maps api / library and a react-bootstrap library for popups were both used, as well.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Clone the repositorys (git clone & (git clone
npm install
npm start
nodemon server.js
In the terminal,
npm test
- Creat-React-App - The web framework used
*Sage Vogt - Initial work - sagevangogt