I am currently a Masters of Science in Computer Science with a concentration in Cybersecurity student at The University of Texas at Dallas
- 🔭 I have experience with Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, C++, SwiftUI, React, Next.js, Svelte, SvelteKit, Node.js, Express.js, CSS, Web Applications, Bots, UNIX, Git, GitHub, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Rest API, Fetch API, MIPS Assembly, Burp Suite, Microsoft Office, macOS, Windows, Slack
- 📖 Some relevant courses I have taken include Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis, Database Systems, Object Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Design, Software Engineering, Unix/Linux, Advanced Algorithm Design & Analysis, Information Systems Security, Cybersecurity, Operating Systems Concepts, Software Project Planning & Management, Introduction to Machine Learning, Software Organization, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Programming Language Paradigms
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Systems Security & Binary Code Analysis, and Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms
- 📚 I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, and a Bachelor's Degree in Justice and Law Administration with a Minor in Computer Science Security
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn or Email
- ⚡ Fun fact: I enjoy learning about Cybersecurity as well as Justice and Law