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Samuel Vannier edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 4 revisions

HOW TO: Choose the apps that are launched?

Open "" file and just change "AppsToExecute" array to put there the paths to apps you want

On windows, choose from : %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

HOW TO: Create the executable ?

If you do not know how to launch a python script or prefer to use an executable file to use it, Follow instructions below:

1) Requirements

You'll need either cx_Freeze (and idna) or pyinstaller

If you do not have any of them installed on your machine, just chose one and refer to the "Using" part below.

Or just install requirements

(A) Using cx_Freeze and idna:


open a cmd and type:

  • pip install cx_Freeze
  • pip install idna

open a terminal and type:

  • pip install cx_Freeze
  • pip install idna

You will also need to install patchelf to generate the executable:

To install patchelf in debian/ubuntu: sudo apt-get install patchelf

To install patchelf in fedora: dnf install patchelf



Not researched yet

(B)Using pyinstaller :

open a cmd and type:

pip install -U pyinstaller

2) Creating the executable

From a cmd in the GetReadyToWork foler, simply type

####(A)---------->Using cx_Freeze and idna:

python build

Your bundled application should now be available in the "build" folder.

####(B)---------->Using pyinstaller


Your bundled application should now be available in the "dist" folder.