#triage A todo manager for the disaster that is your day.
Consider this a pre-Alpha, work-in-progress; the Master branch should be in a stable condition.
Expect the URLs, API and database schema to change, frequently, South migrations will be provided where appropriate.
Changes which require further action are listed in CHANGELOG.
Please don't use in prod!
pip install Django south django-crispy-forms markdown
Copy triage/settings_example.py to triage/settings.py and fill in with the correct details such as database driver and static URLs.
Copy triage/wsgi_example.py to triage/wsgi.py and add the path (this path may be unneccessary depending on your deployment).
python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py migrate task
python manage.py migrate event
python manage.py collectstatic
To deploy the modest test suite on the task
python manage.py test task
Triage is licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL v.1.1)
See COPYING for further information.