This was a project I made when applying for a chance to go to the International Space School in the summer (placed 2nd in Western Canada). Unfortunately, the proper version of this was saved on my old PC, this is an outdated version and I do not think it works. It took images of stars and other objects and using common things it was able to classify them. It was classified into Face-on, No Spiral', 'Smooth, Completely round', 'Smooth, in-between round', 'Smooth, Cigar shaped', 'Disk, Edge-on, Rounded Bulge', 'Disk, Edge-on, Boxy Bulge. And a second category Disk, Edge-on, No Bulge', 'Disk, Face-on, Tight Spiral', 'Disk, Face-on, Medium Spiral', 'Disk, Face-on, Loose Spiral'.
Here is an image of it