Simple URL Shortner Service
Ensure you have the following setup on you local development environment:
This is the programming language used to build the application. You will require this installed in order to install dependencies and run the application.
The application is packaged & run in a Docker container, although it can be run without Docker, it uses services that can be run in Docker as specified in the docker-compose.yml file. If you want to run supporting services such as MongoDB & Redis in docker containers, then you will require docker setup. If not, you can install these services locally on your development machine.
First install the required dependencies, this can be done using make with helpful commands already available here or can be done using go cli tool:
make install
# or
go mod download
Either option will work to setup the dependencies
Second, setup the environmant variables that the application will use. There are some defaults set up in .env.sample and they can be used to setup the environment variables specific to how you want the application to run.
cp .env.sample .env
This will copy over those environment variables. Afterwards, you can set them up accordingly.
Next step is to run the services the application needs to communicate with; The database & the cache.
If you have installed these locally, you can run them in separate terminal sessions. If not, you can use Docker to do so(preferred option).
docker compose up
# You can optionally attach -d flag to the command like below
docker compose up -d
This will run the services in docker containers, pulling the images and building the containers for use. Using the
flag runs the services in the background.
Depending on which terminal session you are using to run the above steps(if all are in the same terminal session), you can continue to run the application as below:
go run app/cmd/main.go
# or using make
make run
This will boot up the application with the provided environment variables.
You can optionally run the application with live reloading set using air. First install Air following the instructions provided in the attached link. Then run with the below command in the root of the project:
That should be it.
Running tests can be done with:
make test
# or
go test ./...
This will run the unit tests in the application
If you want to see coverage you can do that with:
make test-coverage
# or
go test -tags testing -v -cover -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
A coverage file will be generated coverage.out
There are futher several useful commands that can be used for the application to perform linting, these can be conviniently setup with make:
make setup
This will run the
make commands which will setuop golangci-lint and trivy binaries in the bin directory.
Other useful commands can be found in the Makefile.
Deployment instructions can be found here
Architecture can be found here
SemVer is used for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags in this repository.
View the project license here