CMPE275 : Project1 Submission Repository
-Actual data size: ~200GB not included in the folder.
-Sample data size: ~0.5GB included in the project Data folder.
-Performance tested on: 2.5GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.1GHz) with 3MB L3 cache
-Instructions to Run the Project:
1.Clone the repo /WindRosePOC src_MPI : To run various algorithms using MPI techniques. src_OpenMP : To run various algorithms using openMP techniques.
Information about source files:
Source folder: src_MPI
1.Serial.cpp : Procedural serial code with the usage of local containers to store intermediary data in vectors and 2Darrays.
* g++ -std=c++1y Serial.cpp
* ./a.out
* Observation : Takes the longest time to process the files. (~60 seconds)
2.SerialModified.cpp : Procedural serial code without the usage of local containers to store intermediary data.
* g++ -std=c++1y SerialModified.cpp
* ./a.out
* Observation : Takes considerably less time to process the files. (~15 seconds for two station ids)
3.MPITaskDivision.cpp : Parallelized code using OpenMPI Send and receive prototypes that spawns two processes
to process data for two station ids.
* mpic++ -std=c++1y MPITaskDivision.cpp
* mpirun -np 2 a.out
* Observation : Gives 2x performance when compared to the Serial code. (~8 seconds for two station ids)
4.MP+MPI.cpp : Hybrid parallelized code optimized using Open MPI send and receive prototypes and openMP parallel for
pragma directives.
* mpic++ -fopenmp -std=c++1y MP+MPI.cpp
* mpirun -np 3 a.out
* Observation : Gives 2x performance. (~7 seconds)
Description of OpenMP Files:
src_OpenMP/Serial01.cpp : Algorithm# 1 Storing Filtered Raw Data in a Local Container
src_OpenMP/Parallel01_01.cpp : Strategy# 1 Parallelising data processing using local containers
src_OpenMP/Parallel01_02.cpp : Strategy# 2 Parallelising data read and processing
src_OpenMP/Parallel01_03.cpp : Strategy# 3 Parallelising data processing by accessing elements according to the fixed strip width
src_OpenMP/Serial02.cpp : Algorithm# 2 Without Using a Local Container for Storing Input Raw Data
src_OpenMP/Parallel02_01: Strategy# 1 Parallelising data read and processing using 2-D local containers
src_OpenMP/Parallel02_02: Strategy# 2 Parallelising data read and processing using 3-D shared container
Instructions for compiling OpenMP code:
1.g++ -fopenmp -std=c++11 Parallel01_01.cpp -o Parallel01_01.O
2.To run : ./Parallel01_01.O
3.Example station ids to give at run time : "E3467", "A28";
Swig Instructions:
- Make an interface file named "filname.i".
- Add the module name that you want to use in your higher level language(like python).
- Add required header files and functions that you want to use in the %{""""""" %} section.
- Now compile the file using swig.
Compilation with Swig Instructions:
Use the following commands for compilation (Don't include "" in your commands)
- swig -c++ -python "filename.i"
- g++ -c -fpic -fopenmp "filename.cpp"
- g++ -c -fpic -fopenmp "filename_wrap.cxx" -I "path to <Python.h>"
- g++ -shared "cpp oject file" "wraper object file" -o "" -fopenmp
- Go to Python console(use command python).
Using Swig in higher level language
- import outputfile
- outputfile.callFunction()