- Developed, tested, and integrated machine learning models for detecting cracks in WRB and Seam Taping using PyTorch, improving defect detection capabilities.
- Designed and implemented data preprocessing pipelines, and created scalable backend services using FastAPI, Docker, and microservice architecture to support the automated detection system.
The purpose of this project is to compare the performances of 3 approaches (Azure Custom Vision, Faster R-CNN, and YOLO) on the given two datasets (SeamTaping and WRB).
Install Miniconda.
Then, launch Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3).
(base) C:\Users\User>D:
(base) D:\>cd Work
(base) D:\Work>conda create -n Crack-Detection python
(base) D:\Work>conda activate Crack-Detection
(Crack-Detection) D:\Work>pip install scikit-learn pandas openpyxl matplotlib pillow tqdm requests azure-cognitiveservices-vision-customvision python-dotenv
Create an AI Services - Custom Vision resource on Azure starting from here: Home - Microsoft Azure
Get the keys, ids, and endpoints: Custom Vision - Settings
Save into Environment File
There are 2 original datasets given in XLSX files:
Please run the 5 notebooks in the subfolder '/dataset_check_update' before trying 3 approaches.
Azure Custom Vision
Dataset injection to Azure Custom Vision
Train Model
Evaluate Performance
Fasteer R-CNN
YOLO v10