This work is devoted to God.
Python 3.8 has been used.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The bot requires Interception to be installed for automatic shooting. Interception allows to send key events to the Gunbound client in a way that is indistinguishable from hardware key events for user-mode applications.
- Download Interception
- Extract the files from the downloaded ZIP.
- Open a Windows command prompt as administrator
- In the Windows command prompt:
cd "Interception\Interception\command line installer"
install-interception.exe /install
- Reboot.
- Run Gunbound in window mode.
- Run the bot with
- Insert: Automatically shoot to the current target position.
- Alt: Hold for backshot.
- In tag mode the mobile is determined to always be the main one.
Workaround: Set the mobile manually in the code and restart the bot.
- Visualization of how the Trico shot 2 rotates along the shot line
- Boomer hook shots
- Calculation and visualization of the underground part of Nak shot 2
- Calculation and visualization of the pop point of the Turtle super shot
- Calculation and visualization of the positions of the projectiles of Big Foot shot 1
- Calculation and visualization of the positions of the projectiles of Big Foot shot 2
- Calculation and visualization of the positions of the projectiles of Big Foot super shot