To run the project:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
To run the unit tests:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
go test ./test
To run the End-To-End test: // Please read the CAUTION at the bottom!
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
cd e2e
npm install
npm test
API Endpoints description:
Check that the HTTP method is "POST"
Get a firebase client instance
Decode the email and password from the request body
Expect something like:
{ "email": "", "password": "12345678" }
Use the firebase instance to create a userCreate the user in the PostgreSQL database
Send an HTTP header with 201 ( created )
Check that the HTTP method is "PUT"
Decode the courses data from de body
Order the courses
Send the courses ordered with an status code of 200
Check that the HTTP method is "PATCH"
Get the firebase id from the context ( I get it through the middleware )
Check that the user is not inscribed in any course
Decode the course data from de body
Expect something like:
{ "course": "Investment" }
Store the course inside the user register in the databaseSend the 202 status code
Check that the HTTP method is "PATCH"
Get the firebase id from the context ( I get it through the middleware )
Check that the user is inscribed in a course
Clean the user register in the database To allow the user to re-enroll in another course
Store the course and the user id in a database table
Send the 200 status code
Check that the HTTP method is "GET"
Get the firebase id from the context ( I get it through the middleware )
Get a list of all courses made by the user
Send the courses and a status code of 200
Things I would have done if I had more time:
-Add validations in the register, for example, check that the email is valid and the password is at least 8 characters long.
-With a table of the courses in the database, I could have made a validation when the user tried to inscribe in a course like if the course does not exist in the database send a 401 status code.
-Refactor the course ordered function to admit multiple courses with the same order, to let the user decide which course wants to take.
-Document the API using Swagger ( I have made this here:
-Use ENV Variables in the docker-compose file.
-Do the API with Node.js, I read the blogs that Adrian send to me and the "supertest" library looks pretty cool!
-Make more tests.
To perform the End-To-End test needs a valid token, I tried really hard to find a way to get a firebase token but I don't find any way to log in from the backend.
Trying to solve that I made a super simple react app that shows a valid token. So before running the e2e test load the app in the "Token Getter".
To load the app in the "Token Getter" folder run:
cd "Token Getter"
npm i
npm start
Also if you are in a system with bash run in the root of the project:
sed -i 's/HOST: DATABASE_URL/HOST: TEST_DATABASE_URL/' docker-compose.yml
sed -i 's/DB_NAME: Bankuish/DB_NAME: test/' docker-compose.yml
If you have no access to bash, please replace manually the HOST and DB_NAME variables values inside the docker-compose.yml file with TEST_DATABASE_URL and test.
Copy the token into the first variable in the ./e2e/fakeData.js and then run in the "npm i" and "npm test" command.
I would have liked to give a valid token but only last 1 hour.