A smallcase is a basket of exchange traded securities (like stocks & ETFs) in a specified weighting scheme to reflect a certain objective (ideas, themes, strategies). A smallcase has a minimum of 2 securities and a maximum of 50 securities. You will find here different types of stocks in which you can invest easily and safely.
We have cloned the smallcase website as project of our construct week at Masai School. We built this website fully responsive and implemented maximum design.
Client: HTML5 and CSS
Server: Javascript and Local Storage
- User can see variety of smallcases and can select which smallcase to invest in
- Storing the users data in local storage
- Used keyframes for sliding effect
- Responsive design
- User can filter the smallcases by minimimum amount, highest returns, etc.
- This is the landing page where user have facility to see top smallcases.
- This is the login page where user can enter their credentials and it will be matched by the credentials provided in the signup page. If it is correct it will redirect to the home page. Else it will show the alert to enter the valid credentials.
- This is discover page, where user can find all the details and features about different smallcases.
- This is all smallcases page where user can find all the smallcases to invest. User gets facility to sort the smallcases on the basis of prices, popularity and volatility.
- After clicking on any smallcase user will be able to know all the information about that smallcase and can invest into that.
- On clicking Invest Now button, a full screen billing modal will open which will take user to orders page once investment done.
- This is orders page, here user will get all the details about previous orders in chronologically order.
Link - smallcase clone
Github: mansisindhu
LinkedIn: Mansi sindhu
Github: SantoshKonappanavar
LinkedIn: Santosh Konappanavar
Github: ashwanikpankaj
LinkedIn: Ashwani Kumar Pankaj
Github: anandKmrSharma
LinkedIn: Anand Kumar Sharma