A Sass library with colors, font-sizes, buttons, card, grid and various utilities.
First copy gulpfile.js file, sassyLibrary and sass folders to your project.
Then you can change some of the default values or add your own css classes in the sass/index.scss file before the sassyLibraray is being imported.
Default Values you can Change:
- $font
- $base-font-size
- $primary-color
- $secondary-color
- $error-color
- $info-color
- $base-padding
- $base-margin
- $base-border-thickness
- $base-border-radius
- $base-box-shadow
- gulp: ^4.0.2
- gulp-purgecss: ^4.1.3
- gulp-sass: ^5.0.0
- sass: ^1.43.5