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Sarjil Miah edited this page May 12, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the CardBattle wiki!

CardBattle is a fun interactive game where the user builds a deck of cards. Each card represents a character/monster with two stats, AP - Attack Power, and DP - Defense Point. The gameplay is simple. Each game starts off with two players, each with 20 HP - Health Points. Each player takes turns placing cards onto the board. A player can choose to attack the other players cards, or the player directly if they have no cards on the board. In order to defeat the opposing players card, your AP must be more than their DP. The difference between AP and DP will then be deducted from the opposing players HP. If the opponent has no cards on the board, then you can directly attack your opponent with your cards, and deduct the cards AP from the opponents HP. First player to reach 0 HP loses.



  1. Design the board, write instructions, research game logic.
  2. Create a database of cards that can be drawn from the deck.
  3. Create game logic (draw cards, shuffle, withdraw cards, attack, adjust HP appropriately)
  4. Add styling
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