This Package enables you to create contact cards..
This is a type of file ending with ".vcf"
You can easily create such files using this package..
I have given an implementation here.. But I would Strongly recommend visiting my blog for the detail explanation.. Link :
Installing this package: Add this nuget package to your project.. Nuget page:
Create a new Contact: Add the following namespaces to your project.. VCard.Models VCard.Helpers
Code to create a new contact:
Contact contact = new Contact
FirstName = "Satvik",
LastName = "Rajnarayanan",
Addresses = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Address>()
new Address{Description="Example home address", Type="Home" }
Phones = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Phone>()
new Phone{Number="0000000000", Type="Home"}
Email = "",
FormattedName = "Satvik",
Organization = "Nuget",
Title = "Satvik"
To get the vcard use the following command:
The following command will return a string.. So we can get it using the following command:
string contents = FileHelper.CreateVCard(contact);
Now we can use the string to create the physical file..
string contents = FileHelper.CreateVCard(contact);
File.WriteAllText("FileName.vcf", contents);
Please make sure that you use the file extention as vcf..
All I have ever asked is to be active by submitting bugs, features and downloading this package..