Simulation of an Air Traffic Control (ATC) System using Concurrent Programming concepts.
Saurabh Bhavsar (8553-7314) - Saurabh-bhavsar
Shaifil Maknojia (7805-9466) - saifilmaknojia
Shashank Mayekar (5005-9142) - shashanksm94
Saurabh Bhavsar - Concept, system design, Main class, Poster
Shaifil Maknojia - Airplane Resource, Gate resources, Multi Threading, Priority sorting
Shashank Mayekar - User interface, Concurrent updates
Git Hub repo:
Final commit is on "saifilmaknojia-patch-1" branch
The goal of this project is to implement a simulation of an ATC (Air Traffic Controller) system to schedule incoming and outgoing aircrafts on a small-size airport. The airplanes are represented as Threads and resources to be utilized, viz. A Runway and Two Gates are represented by Java Classes. Airplanes request to access resources as follows: Runway is locked during Take-off and Landing. Gates are locked during boarding/de-boarding. Airplanes (Threads) are spawned randomly and the number of threads to be spawned is taken from the user. Priorities are assigned to the threads in case of same start-time. Threads go into waiting state when the runway or neither of the gates are lock-ready using intrinsic lock queues.
Instructions to run:
Extract the zip file and perform the following:
- Go to the folder
- If make utility is pre-installed, then run
make // This will compile all java files java Main
- You will be prompted to input the number of threads.
- Simulation begins with the UI shown