This is simple program for generate periodical graph structures, for print information about graph: diameter, radius, eccentricity. And some statistic about nodes degree and eccentricity.
This is c++ program used Qt for gui For compile program add c++11 option
This is simple program can do:
- Read text file contain graph in following formats:
- {NODE_NODE[_VALUE]} with basic weight value or with different weight values
- {BRACKETS_FLAT[_VALUE]} graph in brackets notation without nesting with basic weight or different weights
- {BRACKETS[_VALUE]} graph in brackets notation with nesting with basic weight or different weights
- Save in files graph with same as read formats
- Save in files generated short paths of graph with path weight
- Generate periodical graph structures: at this moment only hypercubes and torus
- Print graph statistic information:
- Graph node, edge, generated short path count
- Graph diameter and radius
- Nodes indents statistic
- Nodes eccentricity sratistic