This is a buildpack that installs Cairo and its dependencies (Pango, Pixman, FreeType, HarfBuzz, and giflib) into a container image.
When used with multi-buildpack, it enables subsequent buildpacks / steps to any of these libraries.
You'll almost certainly want to use this in conjunction with one or more additional buildpacks.
If you haven't created your scalingo application:
scalingo create <appname>
Then you need to configure your app to use the cairo-buildpack. In the following example, we're using the cairo-buildpack and the nodejs buildpack to deploy a node or a Meteor app, it may change if you're using a different technology.
scalingo env-set BUILDPACK_URL=
cat << EOF > .buildpacks
git add .buildpacks
git commit -m "Add multi buidpack configuration"
git push scalingo master
This buildpack is available for two stacks:
- ubuntu-18 that is the current up-to-date one. Libs are installed from the packages.
- ubuntu-14, with a legacy mode. Libs were compiled and installed via a S3 download.