A modular R2RML suite built on Apache Jena. Featuring a complete domain API built on Jena's polymorphism system, SHACL validation, an R2RML processor with 100% standard conformance based an Jena's ARQ plus common tooling every R2RML project needs.
The core of this project is formed by R2RML model classes that integrate directly with Apache Jena's polymorphism system. This means, you can write your application logic against ordinary Java interfaces. But under the hood their getters and setters actually read and write directly from/to an underlying RDF model.
<version><!-- Check the link below --></version>
List versions published on Maven Central
The following Java snippet demonstrates usage of the API:
public class R2rmlApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
model.setNsPrefix("rdfs", RDFS.uri);
model.setNsPrefix("rr", RR.uri);
TriplesMap triplesMap = model.createResource().as(TriplesMap.class);
// All domain classes of the R2RML API *ARE* Jena Resources.
// Hence, any information - such as types or custom attributes - can be freely attached:
.addProperty(RDF.type, RR.TriplesMap)
.addProperty(RDFS.label, "My R2RML Mapping");
RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, model, RDFFormat.TURTLE_PRETTY);
The output in turtle syntax is shown below. Note, that any of the many serialization formats supported by Jena could be used instead.
@prefix rr: <http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
[ a rr:TriplesMap ;
rdfs:label "My R2RML Mapping" ;
rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:objectMap [ rr:column "labels" ;
rr:language "en"
] ;
rr:predicate <urn:p>
] ;
rr:subject <urn:s>
] .
The RML toolkit provides extensions for the use SPARQL expressions to
- add computed 'reference names' (columns) using
- filter RDF terms using
An norse:rml.bind
expression can override an existing column once. The existing column becomes 'shadowed' by the new value,
so all other references will then refer to the shadowed values.
Prefixes inside of these SPARQL expressions are specified using the SHACL vocabulary.
PREFIX rml: <http://semweb.mmlab.be/ns/rml#>
PREFIX sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>
PREFIX norse: <https://w3id.org/aksw/norse#>
sh:declare [ sh:prefix "xsd" ; sh:namespace "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" ] ;
sh:declare [ sh:prefix "geo" ; sh:namespace "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#" ] ;
sh:declare [ sh:prefix "geof" ; sh:namespace "http://www.opengis.net/def/function/geosparql/" ] ;
a rr:TriplesMap;
rml:logicalSource [
rml:source "asset_shipping_emissions_year.csv";
rml:referenceFormulation ql:CSV ;
sh:prefixes _:prefixes ;
# 'Shadow' the references of ?start_time based on the expression below.
# All rml:reference instances will refer to the shadowed value
norse:rml.bind "xsd:dateTime(replace(?start_time, ' ', 'T')) AS ?start_time" ;
norse:rml.bind "xsd:dateTime(replace(?end_time, ' ', 'T')) AS ?end_time" ;
norse:rml.bind "geof:simplifyDp(strdt(?st_astext, geo:wktLiteral), 0.0001) AS ?st_astext" ;
# Compute a new column
norse:rml.bind "xsd:gYear(?start_time) AS ?year" ;
] ;
rr:subjectMap [
rr:template "https://data.coypu.org/ClimateTrace/{asset_id}-{iso3_country}-{gas}-{year}";
rr:class coy:AssetEmission
] ;
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicate coy:hasAssetId;
rr:objectMap [
rml:reference "asset_id";
rr:datatype xsd:string ;
# Omit generation of this term (and thus the corresponding triples)
# if the condition evaluates to boolean false.
norse:rml.filter "?assert_id != ''" ;
] ;
# ...
Since version 5.0.0 there is now the RmlToSparqlRewriteBuilder
for translating RML to SPARQL.
RmlToSparqlRewriteBuilder builder = new RmlToSparqlRewriteBuilder()
List<Entry<Query, String>> labeledQueries = builder.generate();
r2rml-api | jena |
0.9.0 | 3.17.0 |
0.9.1 | 4.4.0 |
0.9.2 | 4.4.0 |
0.9.3 | 4.5.0 |
4.8.0-X | 4.8.0 |
Starting with Jena 4.8.0 we aligned the version of this project with Jena to make it easier to determine the compatibility.
For example, r2rml-jena-api
version 4.8.0-2
indicates the second release developed against Jena 4.8.0.
rmltk rml to sparql mapping.rml.ttl > mapping.raw.rq
rmltk optimize workload mapping.raw.rq --no-order > mapping.rq
The RDF processing toolkit (RPT) supports execution of the generated mapping. RPT uses this repository.
Using the single threaded Jena engine:
rpt integrate mapping.rq
Using RPT's parallel Spark-based executor:
rpt sansa query mapping.rq
- r2rml-resource-ontology: A copy of the R2RML ontology in turtle syntax
- r2rml-resource-w3c-testsuite: The W3C R2RML test suite resources (editor's draft)
- r2rml-resource-shacl: Shacl file for R2RML
- r2rml-common-vocab: String-based R2RML vocabulary
- r2rml-jena-vocab: Jena-based R2RML vocabulary
- r2rml-jena-api: Jena-based R2RML domain interfaces with RDF annotations
- r2rml-jena-arq: Utilities to import/export the R2RML model as jena constructs. Converts triples maps to jena triples, R2RML template strings to SPARQL expressions and computes effective triples maps from RefObjectMaps and more.
- r2rml-jena-plugin: Jena plugin; registers domain interfaces with jena; includes an annotation processor to create the implementations
- r2rml-jena-processor-jdbc: A standard conforming R2RML processor for JDBC datasources based on r2rml-jena-arq.
- r2rml-jena-testsuite-processor-core: Test harnish for r2rml-resource-w3c-testsuite.
- r2rml-jena-testsuite-processor-h2: Test harnish tied to a H2 database.
- r2rml-jena-sql-transforms: R2RML model transformations that affect the SQL query strings using the JSQL parser.
- r2rmlx-jena-api: Extensions of R2RML. Provides support for specification of prefix constraints for columns containing IRIs and support for and language tags from columns. Registers the r2rmlx extensions when added as a maven dependency.
title={Scaling RML and SPARQL-based Knowledge Graph Construction with Apache Spark},
author={Stadler, Claus and B{\"u}hmann, Lorenz and Meyer, Lars-Peter and Martin, Michael},
booktitle={KGCW2023, the 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction},
The source code and shacl specification of this repo is published under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- The R2RML ontology is under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
- The w3c test suite is under its respective license.