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Releases: Schaka/gladdy

v3.4.3 Fixed party on Gladdy

18 Jan 19:38
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fix ArenaIdentify raid switching bug

v3.4.2 Fixed channeling castbars

01 May 20:31
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fix channeling castbars

v3.4.1 New DR timer

28 Apr 18:18
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  • set DR timer to 18 seconds to accommodate new servers dynamic DR (retail addons always used 18 or 18.5)

v3.4.0 Arena Countdown Timer

28 Apr 16:03
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  • added a timer (in patch 4.x+ style) before the arena starts

v3.3.5 Totemplate fixes

23 Apr 12:55
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Accidentally broke Totemplates (Nameplate totem icons) in the previous release.
Fixed them now.

v3.3.1 - Fix name text

18 Aug 12:21
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fix health text

v3.3 - Cleanup and more options

18 Aug 12:15
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  • some cleanup to the code (TODO: cooldown module cleanup!)
  • added many more ways to customize Gladdy (you can disable the powerbar for example)

v3.2.6 - Unknown bug fix

03 Aug 18:44
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  • fix "Unknown" playername bug
  • fix some missing DR info

v3.2.5 - Improved TrinketTracker and DR functionality

29 Jul 09:00
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v3.2.4 - lower ArenaIdentify timer

18 Mar 21:32
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Enemies will now be searched for (once the gates open) in intervals of 0.1 seconds.
If you ever experience lag during this time, reset your Gladdy settings.

In your SavedVariables/Gladdy.lua:
This part is responsible for responsible for finding enemies and can get quite large:
["scanTable"] = { ["Easy x100"] = { ["0x00000000000550BC"] = "Trafs,0x00000000000550BC,DRUID,Druid,Tauren,Tauren,100,100,100,100,0", ["0x0000000000046F87"] = "Thantu,0x0000000000046F87,ROGUE,Rogue,Undead,Scourge,100,100,100,100,3", ["0x000000000005831F"] = "Greenhorn,0x000000000005831F,DRUID,Druid,Tauren,Tauren,100,100,100,100,0",...