A python library to control several Thorlabs' KPZ101 piezo controler cubes. Each KPZ101 is interfaced using the virtual com port implementation of pyusb
To install the package from source simply do
git clone https://github.com/Schlabonski/cubini
cd cubini
python3 setup.py install
Requirements: This library works on top of pyusb
which uses libusb
so these should both be installed as well.
If you want to use the library without root rights run the following steps first.
- Add the user to the plugdev group
sudo useradd -G plugdev USERNAME
- Add the evaluation board to the plugdev group by edditing a new rules file
sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/10-kpz101.rules
and adding the following lineATTRS{idProduct}=="faf0", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"
- Reload the udev rules
sudo udevadm trigger