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Ansible playbooks

This repository contains playbooks to deploy the preprocessing and NAS infrastructure at National Genomics Infrastructure.

Please refer to ansible documentation for more details about Ansible concepts and how it works.

The repository is structured following this structure

production                # inventory file for production servers
stage                     # inventory file for stage environment

   all                    # here we assign variables shared between all systems

processing.yml            # playbook for preprocessing servers
nas.yml                   # playbook for nas'es

    common/               # this hierarchy represents a "role"
        tasks/            #
            main.yml      #  <-- Main file for any given role
        templates/        #  <-- Any configs or scripts that uses variables set in the recipe
            ntp.conf.j2   #  <------- templates end in .j2
        files/            #  <-- Any configs or scripts that require no modifications by the recipe
        vars/             #
            main.yml      #  <-- Variables uniquely associated with this role

In order to deploy any of the playbooks, clone this repository to a machine that is able to ssh to the servers you want to deploy. Usually your local machine has enough access rights.

NOTE: Install ansible on your machine via:

$> sudo pip install ansible

Create a testing environment

You don't want to mess around the production servers until you are sure that everything works, don't you? Okay that's easy to solve. Either deploy on the staging server, or (if none are available) create a virtual mini-cluster using vagrant and configure it like this

Deploying a new preprocessing server

To deploy a new preprocessing server, execute the processing playbook. The requirements for deploying are:

  • You need to be able to ssh passwordless into the NAS
  • You need permission to sudo to the relevant production user account

If requirements are met, simply use:

$> ansible-playbook processing.yml -u <your_username> -i <staging_servers | production_servers> --ask-vault-pass

Deploying a new NAS

Currently the playbooks for deploying NASes are under development. That means it's up to you to make sure that everything looks good before you replace the production cluster.

In order to deploy a new NAS, execute the nas playbook. Same requirement as for deploying a preprocessing server apply. Additionally the NASes use 2-factor authentication. So have fun with that.

In theory the same command as for deploying preprocessing servers should apply.

$> ansible-playbook nas.yml -u <your_username> -i <staging_servers | production_servers> --ask-vault-pass

Problem areas

For typical deployment there are certain problem areas one is likely to run into, which are all easily mitigated:

  • Since current activity is interrupted when deploying, try to avoid deploying whilst the preprocessing server is actively being used. htop is useful for checking the activity of the bcl2fastq software.
  • Download links for non-github software (bcl2fastq, longranger reference etc.) are likely to change over time. In such cases the ansible playbook will simply exit with an error message. Update vars/main.yml accordingly
  • Manually comment out processing.yml and production_servers (or similar) to deploy a subset of software to a subset of servers
  • Always manually verify the cronjobs after deployment. For instance, the job "NAS disc usage" should only run on a single preprocessing server to avoid concurrency issues.

Installation folder structure (preprocessing)

In /home/<user>:

.taca/taca.yaml			Automatically applied configuration file to all TACA commands  
.bash_profile			Loads $PATHs, environment and syntax highlighting  
config/				Configuration files to $PATHs, 10x chromium demultiplexing, and supervisord  
log/				Log files from TACA, supervisord and flowcell transfers  
opt/				All installed software applied by the preprocessing cluster  

Roles rundown:

In short the roles provide the following features:


Creates a ssh key.
Creates the directories config, log and .taca
Sets a custom bash_profile file and a custom file (to initialize $PATH)
"Installs" and starts supervisord


Creates sequencing archive directories
Copies processing unique supervisord configuration
Starts cronjobs, which at the time of writing only concern TACA


Creates the .irods and nosync directories.
Creates configurations for logrotate, lsyncd, supervisord, taca and irodsEnv
Starts cronjobs, which at the time of writing concern taca storage and logrotate

Miniconda, bcl2fastq, taca, longranger, etc.

Downloads and installs the mentioned software. Additionally the miniconda role creates the master venv if it does not already exist.

Ansible and 2-factor authentication

In order to run a playbook on a server with 2-factor authentication enabled you have 2 options:

  1. Clone this repository onto the server and run the playbook locally using --connection=local

  2. Slightly more complicated: Tunnel the connection through an already opened connection using ControlMaster ssh option:

    • Create or edit your ~/.ssh/config file and add the following to create a master connection per server:
    Host *
    ControlMaster auto
    ControlPath ~/.ssh/cm_socket/%r@%h:%p
    • Create or edit your ~/.ansible.cfg configuration file to use that ControlMaster connection:
    ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=<your_home_directory>/.ssh/cm_socket/%r@%h:%p
    • Open a regular connection to the server, like ssh user@server, enter the vault token and your password. Keep the connection opened.

    • On a separate terminal, run the playbook as usual.


Ansible repository for deployment stuff






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