A simple tool to help debug nested expressions. Takes a function call and lets you insert various debugging-related keywords to inspect the various arguments being passed in the slime repl.
We'll use the following function call as the template. It's a simple call to prn
and uses an imaginary function foo
as an argument.
(ns clj-here-example)
(prn "hello" (foo :bar :baz))
The main function in clj-here is debug
so we'll need to :use it and transform the call to foo
to a call to debug
like this:
(ns clj-here-example
(:use [clj-here :only (debug)]))
(debug prn "hello" (foo :bar :baz))
The :dbg-prn-last keyword can be inserted after an argument to print it out.
(ns clj-here-example
(:use [clj-here :only (debug)]))
(debug prn "hello" :dbg-prn-last (foo :bar :baz))
; Will print out "hello" in the repl
The :break keyword creates a breakpoint in the middle of a function. It uses sldb and sets the locals as the all the arguments before it.
(ns clj-here-example
(:use [clj-here :only (debug))))
(debug prn "hello" "bye" :break (foo :bar :baz))
In sldb this will result in:
0: core.clj:6 clj-here.core/break
ARG0 = "hello"
ARG1 = "bye"
Copyright (C) 2012 Tamreen Khan
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.