- Improved parsing of easydollar.usd() to allow commas (eg '$1,000.00')
- Changed the output of USD.repr to improve readability
- Fixed a major logical error in USD.distribute(). It should now function as intended.
cash = usd('$5,000.67')
print(repr(cash)) # Output: USD(dollars=5000, cents=67)
written by Sean Franklin (sean.patrick516@gmail.com)
pip install easydollar
Floating-Point values should not be used in money calculations. Python's Decimal or BigDecimal in Java are a bit clunky to use for quick prototyping.
This module is useful for str-parsed US-Dollar amounts (from user input, or a .txt/.csv/.xls)
This is the wrong module for cent calcuations that need three or more decimal-point places (like gas prices or some APR calculations)
Note "Instantiating a USD with a float" is a feature intentionally left out. Input like 50.20 actually becomes 50.2 which then becomes $50.02 ..which is obviously incorrect.
Note You can see the output of all the below examples by writing
import easydollar.examples
It is recommended you use the lower-case usd() to instantiate USD instances.
usd() casts a str to a USD instance.
from easydollar.USD import usd
Example 1
husband_income = usd('55000.00')
# if it's a whole dollar amount, the decimal-point is optional.
wife_income = usd('62000')
household_income = husband_income + wife_income
print(f'Total household income: {household_income}\n')
Example 2
# USD instances will implicitly roll over cents into dollars when cast to a string.
money1 = usd('1.50')
money2 = usd('0.50')
total = money1 + money2
print (f'Dollar addition: {money1} + {money2} = {total}')
print (f"Output of usd('0.5255') = {usd('0.5255')}") # Outputs "$52.55"
print(f"Output of usd('1000575.100') = {usd('1000575.100')}") # Outputs "$1,000,576.00"
price = usd('56.60')
paid = usd('60.00')
change = paid - price
print(f'Price: {price}')
print(f'Paid: {paid}')
print (f'Change due: {change}')
The multiply operator on the USD object is a "scale" operation (only accepts a whole number) You can't multiply two USD's together.
payrate = usd('15.00')
hours_worked = 40
paycheck = payrate * hours_worked
print(f'This weeks earnings: {paycheck}')
The divide operator in USD is a distribution function.
Similar to the multiply operator, a USD instance can only be "divided" by a whole number.
The division operator is not a true division (this would involve using floating-point values in some cases.) Instead, it invokes USD's 'distribute' method.
USD.distribute(n) distributes the USD-instance's value among n and returns a list of USD
If you were to sum the elements of the list, you would have the pre-distribute() value exactly
The divide "/" operator is only a shorthand for my_usd.distribute(n)[0]
If you add the result of the "/" operator n times, you might not get the original value.
loan_amount = usd('10653.26')
interest = 21 # 21 percent (21%)
total_loan_interest = loan_amount.interest(interest)
term = 60
monthly_principle = loan_amount / term
monthly_interest = total_loan_interest / term
first_payment = monthly_interest + monthly_principle
print('~~ Loan Issued. ~~')
print(f'Loan Amount: {loan_amount}')
print(f'Interest: {interest}%')
print(f'Term: {term} months')
print(f'Total interest to be paid over term: {total_loan_interest}\n')
print(f'Principle monthly: {monthly_principle}')
print(f'Interest monthly: {monthly_interest}\n')
print(f'First payment due: {first_payment}')
Using the division operator here is okay, because this is a calculation of the first payment. It is equivilent to
monthly_principle = loan_amount.distribute(term)[0]
To find the current payment, you could do:
current_payment = my_usd.distribute(total_term)[payments_already_made]
current_payment = my_usd.distribute(remaining_term)[0]
A feature to streamline this is being worked on.
appreciated_value = my_usd.with_interest(50) # 50% appreciation
my_usd.apply_interest(0.6) # Applies 0.6% interest to my_usd