####THE CREDENTIALS (NAME AND PASSWORD) FOR ATHENTICATION MUST ALWAYS BE DELIVERED IN THE HEADER OF THE REQUEST AS BASIC AUTHENTICATION! If this is not the case, the server will just return an "unauthorized"-message! ####If the logged in user does not posses the rights for executing the method at a given endpoint, there will be a 403-message as return value. Eg.: A user without admin-rights tries to delete another user.
Get login response
GET /user/login
->the name and password have to be added in the header as the basic-authentication
If the name and password transferred in the header are correct:
"user": "userName",
"login": "true
else the standard unauthorized-message will appear:
"status": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized"
Get all users
GET /user
An array containing all users
"id": 1,
"name": "testUser",
"id": 2,
"name": "AnotherUser",
Get one user by ID
GET /user/{id}
A user object with given id
"id": {id},
"name": "searchedUser",
Create a new user
POST /user
####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
"password": "test",
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Delete a user with given ID
DELETE /user/{id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Update the data of a user with given ID
PUT /user/{id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
Updates a user by given ID
"password": "test",
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Get the data of the currently logged in user
GET /user/me
The object of the currently logged in user
"id": 3,
"name": "currentUser",
Update the data of the currently logged in user
PUT /user/updateMe
Updates the currently logged in user
"password": "test",
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
###Competence-Endpoints on logged in user
Add a competence with given ID to the currently logged in user
GET user/addCompetence/{competence_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Remove a competence with given ID from the currently logged in user
GET user/removeCompetence/{competence_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
###Task-Endpoints on logged in user
Add a task with given ID to the open-tasks (kind of the to-do list) of the logged in user
GET user/addTask/{task_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Removes the task with given id from the open-tasks of the currently logged in user
GET user/removeTask/{task_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Adds the task with given id to the followed-tasks of the currently logged in user
GET user/followTask/{task_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Removes the task with given id from the follow-tasks of the currently logged in user
GET user/unfollowTask/{task_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Adds the task with given id to the leading-tasks of the currently logged in user
GET user/leadTask/{task_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Removes the task with given id from the leading-tasks of the currently logged in user
GET user/abandonTask/{task_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
###Project and Task-Endpoints
####PROJECT IS THE SUPER-TYPE TO A TASK User-Interaction happens on the task-level, but every task has to be assigned to a project. So while REST-functions on tasks are possible, it is highly recommended to use the other comfort functions for this, because of inconsistency reasons. Inconsistency producing REST-calls will also not be mentioned in this readme, they can be however looked up in the javadoc-documentation of the project if needed.
####First the endpoints of the projects themselves
Gets all projects
GET /project
An array containing all projects
"id": 1,
"name": "testProject",
"childTasks": [
"id": 1,
"name": "testTask"
"id": 2,
"name": "AnotherProject",
Gets one project with given ID
GET /project/{project_id}
"id": {id},
"name": "searchedProject",
childTasks": [
"id": 1,
"name": "testTask"
Creates a new project
POST /project
"name": "testProject",
"description": "this is a test",
"location": "Vienna",
"startTime": "2000-01-01T00:30:00",
"endTime": "2000-01-01T01:00:00"
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Deletes a project with given id
DELETE /project/{project_id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Updates the project with given id
PUT /project/{project_id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
"name": "testProject",
"description": "this is a test",
"location": "Vienna",
"startTime": "2000-01-01T00:30:00",
"endTime": "2000-01-01T01:00:00"
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Creates a task and adds it to the given project.
POST /{project_id}/addTask
"name": "testProject",
"description": "this is a test",
"location": "Vienna",
"startTime": "2000-01-01T00:30:00",
"endTime": "2000-01-01T01:00:00",
"urgency": 4,
"amountOfVolunteers": 25
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Deletes a task by given id and removes it from the chosen project
DELETE /project/{project_id}/removeTask/{task_id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
####The endpoints of tasks
Returns an array containing all tasks
GET /task
"id": 1,
"name": "testTask",
"id": 2,
"name": "AnotherTask",
Returns a project object with given id
GET /task/{task_id}
"id": {task_id},
"name": "searchedTask",
Updates the task with given id
PUT /task/{task_id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
"name": "testTask",
"description": "this is a test",
"location": "Vienna",
"startTime": "2000-01-01T00:30:00",
"endTime": "2000-01-01T01:00:00"
"urgency": 3,
"amountOfVolunteers": 30
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Adds a competence by given id to a task by given id
GET /task/{task_id}/addCompetence/{competence_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Adds or updated the feedback of a task
POST /task/{task_id}/addFeedback
"feedback": "Some feedback"
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Adds an attachment to a task by given ID
POST /task/{task_id}/addAttachment
####THIS IS NOT A JSON-REQUEST! The file has to be sent via a multipart-form. It then is copied to the server and added to the given task
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Removes given attachment from given task and deletes the attached file from the server
DELETE /task/{task_id}/removeAttachment/{attachment_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Returns an array with all tasks that contain given task_name in their name
GET /task/getByName/{task_name}"
"id": 1,
"name": "task_name",
"id": 2,
"name": "x_task_name_y",
Creates and adds a comment to given task
POST /task/{task_id}/addComment
"name": "testComment",
"content": "this is test content"
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Removes and deletes a given comment from a given task
DELETE /task/{task_id}/removeComment/{comment_id}
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Returns all comments of given task as array
GET task/{task_id}/getComments
"id": 1,
"name": "testComment",
"content": "this is a comment",
"task": 1
"id": 2,
Completes a task by setting the boolean
GET task/{task_id}/complete
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Un-completes a task by setting the boolean
GET task/{task_id}/notComplete
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Returns an array containing all competences
GET /competence
"id": 1,
"name": "testCompetence",
"id": 2,
"name": "AnotherCompetence",
Returns a user object with given id
GET /competence/{competence_id}
"id": {competence_id},
"name": "searchedCompetence",
Creates a new competence
POST /competence
####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
"description": "this is a competence"
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Deletes competence by given ID
DELETE /competence/{competence_id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
Updates a competence by given ID
PUT /competence/{competence_id} ####This function requires ADMIN-rights!
"description": "this is a competence"
Json-data, either a success or a failure message
###Simple Taskfeed
Returns all Tasks, which neededCompetences match with the addedCompetences of the logged in user
GET /news
"id": 1,
"name": "testTask",
"id": 2,
"name": "AnotherTask",