-- Economy based core plugin for bukkit
@in-progress Implement better Logging system
@todo Implement better upgrade system for templating.
@done Clean-up Configuration file. (Tues, June 28th)
@done Add more intuitive commenting to Configuration file. (Tues, June 28th)
@done Finish money command with optional #name parameter. (Thur, June 23rd)
-- sub commands of /money
@done Finish #set command (Fri, June 24th)
@done Finish #give command (Mon, June 27th)
@done Finish #take command (Mon, June 27th)
@done Finish #create command (Fri, June 24th)
@done Finish #remove command (Fri, June 24th)
@done Integrate MiniDB as flatfile (Tues, June 21st)
@done Database table creation & checks on startup. (Mon, June 27th)
@todo Creation of Interest & Transactions
@in-progress Test SQL Based database systems.
@done Implement Item based database.
@done Test MiniDB
@done Test MySQL
@in-progress Test SQLite
@in-progress Test H2DB
@todo Test PostgreSQL
@todo Test ItemDB