SeguraChain is not complete, do not use it in production, until a stable release is complete and available.
Planned for the hard fork of Xenophyte once completed. >
Planned future website:
Please read the whitepaper document, the document is not yet complete but most of important details are actually written.
Once the whitepaper is complete, I will make the translation of this one into english.
Everything has been developed in C#, and support NET5/NET6/NET7/NET8, a downgrade to NetFramework 4.8.1 is available too, you can then use Monodevelop
Visual Studio 2022 is required.
BTC: 39mUsJFhjU6GDrchCkQ4iJsmdvD8S2jpzU | Explorer:
Curecoin: B6V6mSNRDFzmDgiPcQKYhBer6GgbM5XJeR | Explorer:
LZ4Net. (The most better ratio between compression/decompression)
Newtonsoft.Json. (JSON)
Open.NAT. (Only available for NET4.8)
Portable.BouncyCastle. Replaced by OpenSSL soon to gain performances. (used by the Desktop wallet only, need a replacement later to erase this library).
Implement an option to convert the BTC Blockchain database and merge it into the Genesis Block data. [0%]
Whitepaper progress. [60%]:
- English (100%)
- French (100%)
Complete wallets balance checkpoint disk cache process. [40%]
Complete Desktop Wallet features and options. [99%]
Develop the IO Cache Network mode. [5%]
Develop the RPC Wallet. [50%]
Develop an example of Mining Pool. [0%]
Finish optimizations. [60%]
Clean up the source code. [5%]
Include NET6/7 support. [100%]
Porting the Desktop Wallet to Telerik. [0%]
Complete the new packet system data , passing new random packet format by auth keys and unique id's [90%].
A simple wiki page who explain how to setup your Blockchain:
Desktop Wallet description page:
Compilation Platform Target:
Every devs and potential users can send me their returns about the project, potential fix, issues and more.