Ability to document a holistic view of our success journey whether that be acquiring a dream job or simply exercising every day, BeSuccessful will celebrate the mini-steps towards your goals while encouraging you to strive for that big end goal/aspiration! We wished to create a social media that focused on making goal setting exciting and worth sharing! Instead of BeReal, BeSuccessful : )
BeSuccessful assists the user in reaching their aspirations by generating mini-goals related to their aspiration using co:here's co.classify which compares the input aspiration to our diverse mini-goals database and generates recommended goals. Once mini-goals are set, users can post pics that display the mini-goal being accomplished. A timeline is then generated that shows the remaining mini-goals remaining prior to reaching their aspired goal. Users can also explore other users' timelines based on shared mini-goals. Users now have a fun and exciting way to document their journey to success!
BeSuccessful was built with the following tools and languages:
- JavaScript
- Co:here
- MongoDB Express.js React Node.js Stack
In terms of front-end we ran into some issues using React such as routing different webpages and dealing with component positioning.
For back-end, we used Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB to set up our database and store login info. This was our first time creating a database and successfully linking our front to backend.
With the little time given, we were able to learn new tech stacks we have never worked with prior. We showed great grit in completing a demo-able project.
- Learning the ins and outs of React
- Working with and handling APIs
- Connecting Front + Back End
Throughout HW9, we were all able to improve our skills as full-stack web devs. Many of us have never touched web dev previously so we've gained a new respect for full-stack devs while learning a variety of tech stacks.
BeSuccessful is looking to BE SUCCESSFUL.
Future features include...
- Connecting users with similar aspirations
- Goal of the day which requires the user to post daily to continue a streak (Snapchatification)
- Memory lane, notification is sent to users to remind them of the great work that has been achieved already and to excite them about their aspirations by showing them some throw back pics!!!