This is a self practice project about using usb camere device for grabb and display image.
- Windows OS
- .netcore = 3.1
- C# language version >= 10.0
- MaterialDesignThemes >= 4.6.0
- Prism.Unity >= 8.197
- System.Drawing.Common = 6.0.0
- AFore.Viedo.DirectShow = 2.2.5
In this section, shows the project structure(namespace level), and some simply introduce about each project.
+-- IamgeGrabber.sln | +-- ImageGrabber.Application | +-- Models | +-- ViewModels | +-- Views | +-- ImageGrabber.Core | +-- CameraModule | +-- CommonInterface | +-- ImageGrabber.Debug | +-- ImageGrabber.Wpf | +-- Converters | +-- Extensions | +-- Styles | +-- Utility +-- .gitignore +--
ImageGrabber.Application is the executable project with interactive UI interface.
ImageGrabber.Core is the core project which contains the camera control module.
ImageGrabber.Wpf is a wpf base library which contains style sheets, converters and some extensions class to support xaml development.
ImageGrabber.Debug is a console application for debug or test some ideas.