This is a flutter desktop app that can be used to manage students by a high school book store. It contains features to create new student data(student image, name, class, etc.), add and remove books for students, search for student(s), track received books as well as books that has been collected by various students.
During my high school days, we were given some government textbooks but all the data was kept in files. This became a problem for those whose books were stolen and returned by other students. What happens is, the store keeper collects the books whose numbers did not match that of the one in the student's file and adds it to the books in the store(since there was no practical way to find the student whose book was returned). This was problematic because, those whose books were stolen and returned without their knowledge would be flagged as students who have misplaced their books and hence had to pay...
... this app seems to be a solution by enabling the storekeeper to search for students by the unique number that identifies the book.
- This is for learning purposes. It was meant to help learn about various widgets flutter had to offer.
- At the moment, this app has no user auth features nor database capabilities.
- Clone this repository
- Run
cd presecstores
- Run
flutter pub get
- Run
flutter run -d windows
- Enjoy 😎
In its current state, this application does exactly what it needs to do. However, lots of improvements can be made:
[x] Adding all screens
[x] Making book tiles re-orderable
[x] Adding a means to remove and add books
[x] Adding a means to add new students
[x] Adding a means to add images from windows
[ ] Adding user auth
[x] Creating user data
[ ] Implementing remote storage
- Desktop development with flutter
- Flutter State Management with Get
- Accessing desktop files from flutter
Serkhani(Boniface Delali Dakey) - Jude Boachie -
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. "# presecstores"