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Welcome Activity

Here, the game starts. There is an Animation for 5 sections then Login Screen appears

SignIn Activity

SignUp Activity

If an account is not created, the user can create new account and if process is successful it will redirect to login page

Forget Password Activity

To set a new password, user first enters the mail, following that a link would be sent to that mail and then the user can reset the password

Login Activity

To play the game, the user selects the difficulty level and starts it. Here we can add new Questions and sets the difficulty level

Game Activity

This is the main activity where the game starts. For every question, there is a timer. Users select one option and if it's correct it displays green color, otherwise red. When the timer ends we cannot select the option. If we select the right option then the correct answer count increases otherwise wrong answer count increases. These questions are randomly generated 5 questions

Finish Activity

We can finish the game before the end of all questions by clicking on the finish button in the game activity. After the game ends it displays the score. For every correct answer, +4 are added and for every wrong -1 is subtracted. We can see our ranking.Also if we want to share the results to any other applications, we can do so if clicking on the share button.

Share Results

Preview of all icons through which we can share our results

View Ranking

In this activity we can see our ranking in the same difficulty level