- WS2812 Addressable LED (strips are easy to set up) - 100
- ESP8266
- 20k potentiometer
- Push button
- 5V Power supply (3A or higher)
- 1 x 10K resistor
- Wire the led grid as shown in the image
- Connect the Grid Signal in wire to ESP8266 pin D1 (GPIO 5)
- Connect the potentiometer to the analog input (A0) of the ESP. (Rifer this guide for more details)
- Connect the switch to D0 (GPIO 16) of the ESP and pull it down using the resister. (Fifer this guide for more details)
- Install all the required libraries to Arduino to compile the code
- ESP8266WiFi.h
- Adafruit_NeoPixel.h
- NTPClient.h
- WiFiUdp.h
- ESP8266WebServer.h
- Adafruit_NeoPixel.h
- Adafruit_GFX.h
- Adafruit_NeoMatrix.h
- Fonts/FreeSerif9pt7b.h
- Set the Wi-Fi Access point name and password and upload the code to ESP8266
This Display has 4 Modes
- Clock Mode - Obtain the time from internet timeserver and display it
- White Light mode - It can be used as a white led light
- Red Light mode - It can be used as a red led light
- Display Mode - User can access the web server and give commands to draw anything you like
- White Light mode with brightness control - It can be used as a white led light and the brightness can be controlled while display is white
Use the button to switch between modes Rotate the potentiometer while holding the butten to set the brightness
- Open the html file using a web browser on a device connected to the same network as the ESP8266.
- Put the Ip address in the Server address input box
- Start sending patterns to draw on the matrix