Video platform on demand
REST API urls:
GET - return all movies in database
POST - require only name of movie, if not exist validator should say where is a problem, all other parts of movie model will be fethed from omdb database
GET - return all comments in movie database
POST - require user, id of movie and body of comment
GET - return leaderboard of movies based on count of comments, it will filter queryset between the given date range(only integer)
Unfortunately still i'am thinking about how to hide particular field in json output, so i made a trick and when you add to link expression "/?fields=rank,comments_count,id" it will only return the json body with these necessary fields.(DynamicFieldsMixin)
I made also fron-end work. From these side app could do basic operations based on CRUD, there is still error with deleting the movie without photo, so when you try to delete record, please add any photo,save, and then delete movie.Of couse you can sign up, and sign in, there is login session, forms, features page, and logout option.
I'm still working on it so the app maybe have a lot of bugs
All requirements are in file above. You don't need to migrate anything, migrations have been done. Admin site:{login:'memento',password:'code'}
I think it's a lot more than just on junior level.