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Configuring TX channel order and reversing

ShikOfTheRa edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 1 revision

If any of the following functionality is required:

  • OSD menu access
  • Throttle value display
  • Virtual current sensor

AND ONLY IF you are using any of the following configurations:

  • Mavlink based FC (e.g. PX4/Ardupilot)

The following need to be configured correctly:

  • Transmitter type
  • Transmitter reverse

About transmitter type:

  • Here you configure the order for transmitter channels 0 to 3
  • e.g. Roll/Pitch/Throttle/Yaw means channel 0 is Roll and channel 2 is yaw

About transmitter reverse:

  • Here you configure for any channels that are reversed. Select channels to be reversed to match the following
  • Full throttle, Pitch forward, Roll right and Yaw right require PWM values > 1850
  • Zero throttle, Pitch backwards, Roll left and Yaw left require PWM values < 1150
  • Some TX display the values.
  • Raw RC values can be viewed by flashing with device= “utilities” and variant=”debug”
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