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ShikOfTheRa edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

This is for iNAV/Betaflight users who wish to configure the OSD via USB connection into the flight controller There are two methods for using serial passthrough:

Using GUI to try to enter passthrough mode

  • Plug in USB (FC UART you are connected to is displayed as the port)
  • Plug in LIPO to power the OSD
  • Go to MWOSD GUI, choose the FC port
  • Tick the passthrough box
  • Select the UART the OSD is connected to
  • Set baudrate set to 115200 unless using alternative
  • Click Connect

Manually set up

  • Plug in USB (FC UART you are connected to is displayed as the port)
  • Plug in LIPO to power the OSD
  • Open iNav/Betaflight & connect
  • In CLI enter "serialpassthrough 1 115200 rxtx" .Replace 115200 with alternative baud rate if necessary
  • Click disconnect in iNav/Betaflight GUI
  • Go to MWOSD GUI, choose the FC UART port you are connected to
  • Ensure "passthrough" box is unticked
  • Select the UART the OSD is connected to
  • Set baudrate set to 115200 unless using alternative
  • Click Connect

NOTE: Passthrough is dependent upon several items functioning correctly. It may not always work. Flashing via passthrough is not usually possible

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